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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Hu Xijin, editor of the Chinese government-backed tabloid Global Times, said on Twitter that the fact China had not released a casualty figure was a sign of "goodwill from Beijing."
"My understanding is the Chinese side doesn't want people of the two countries to compare the casualties number so to avoid stoking public mood," said Hu, who has strong ties to the Chinese leadership and military.
His conciliatory tone is a striking contrast to the jingoistic chest-thumping of his newspaper in recent weeks, which has published article after article on Chinese troop maneuvers, armaments and military might in the region.

You can see an example of 5th generation warfare with its essence of Information war here on PDF.

Indian members are posting according to how they perceive this clash on LAC. They are revolving around number of causalities of both sides, probably a method that eases their mind if enemy causalities are more in number. This seems analogous to winning votes in an election, number of votes matter ofcourse.

Indian media is also jumping in 5th gen warfare in the same manner that it does with Pakistan. News and updates to escalate situation, talk shows inviting indian and chinese panel members and generating emotions of anger, sympathy, etc with in their agenda of propaganda to show Indian nation and the world that Chinese are savages not humans.

On the other hand, Chinese members in this thread do not seem hyped about this incident neither are they falling victim to the agenda set by indian members to focus towards the number of causalities. Same is with Chinese media, this incident has certain got full attention of PLA command but Chinese media and Chinese public (i talked to some chinese and indians ) are not bothered about it. I know that media coverage in China is not like other countries, still i feel Chinese officials relaxed as compared to emotional Indians. My Indian friends have no other topic than this clash to discuss, while the Chinese friends are not much bothered like they have full faith in their military.

I think its not only that India, its military and its Govt have been thoroughly embarrassed by a bigger powerful country like China but also Indian media, Indian propaganda cells, Indian Military and Indian Govt have been experienced in working against Pakistan and they are handling this issue in the same manner. However, they are realising that China is a different ball game.

I do see that some Pakistani members are continuously arguing with indian members on number of causalities. This shows that through information war of 5th gen warfare, Indian media and Indian members on PDF have made an impact on PDF too, to discuss and repeatedly publish their agenda and revolve around points set by indian members. Thus not being able to look at the bigger picture of analysing and decrypting the impact of this clash based on logical and intellectual reasoning.

Good observation! Chinese "state controlled" media did report the incident, but without graphic images and inflammatory language, in contrary to their Indian counterpart, therefore, Chinese Gov won't succumb to or be hijacked by public pressure, which could have been potentially instigated or misguided by party with an agenda.

Being the winner of 1962 border war, Chinese do enjoy psychological advantage over Indians. In Chinese mind, India has never been the primary adversary. Chinese defense enthusiasts did discuss this incident in graphic details on some niche military forums though.
Beidu 3 is not spy satellites system but navigation system

There cant be an openly declared spy/military satellite by any country. But we know satellitles systems do military stuff under the tag of obtaining data for research.
If we said none died, will you believe us? That's the figure floating around IN Chinese media, there were casualties no deaths. Alot of the Indians died due to surprise attack and jumping into the river. Chinese medics had proper access and helicopters arrived on time. That makes a difference. Bit if we said this officially, Modi will be forced to react and more will die.

Chinese truths and Chinese lies doesnt make any difference .
Because it would be always a lie .

Providing they are 7 times smaller. But clearly India does not know what to do other than get thrashed when the foe is one on one like China and equal size.#


Here it comes Mard i momins .
Not deciding very well are you? We saw that clearly yesterday - instead of talking sense and looking for de escalation - internet global warriors think they can beat China to a pulp.
Never seen such a delusional bunch in my life. Hope it’s just limited in the internet and not real life because you guys are in for a hell of a wake up of it gets even more serious..... won’t have enough body bags I’m afraid.

You will see later .
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