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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

here people pick what suits them.... if the same source say that 500 Indians killed than they will accept and nevr ask for another source but if they say that killed 40 Chinese killed than it will be get deleted and will ask for another source

That is a childish argument.

If you come to me and claim that you lick windows, I will obviously believe you. Why else would you claim such a thing if it weren't true. Especially when you have a very well known and proven history of purposefully hiding humiliation meted out to you in the past, à la the Indian Government, military and society. Now when you then claim that the windows are made of candy, it won't take much to see that you are clearly lying. Why? Same reason; your history of presenting grossly exaggerated claims in hopes of hiding your humiliation, à la the Indian Government, military and society.

This phenomenon is known well enough that about a dozen members here foretold it hours before any Indian member decided to post here.
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Honestly this is a huge strategic win for Pakistan. Our position vis via China/India has been validated. Last year China refused to take sides and the situation de-escalated quick enough that that didn't have to but going forward:

- India will have to position more troops along the LAC and IB with China with its already limited out of date equipment shortages. This couldn't come at a worse time for India where the situation in Afghanistan is getting better and Pakistan is repositioning troops from the west to the east. Pakistan did exactly to India what India did to Pakistan in the early 2000s via Afghanistan (bogg down our forces on 2 fronts). Now China is Afghanistan x 1000000.

- Pakistan/China military alliance to get much stronger. More coordination on the officer levels, more war-games, more joint ventures.

- Joint operations against the IA. Word is that the last few weeks has seen a staggering increase in communication between China and Pakistan. We seen the LOC flare up this week as well just as the Chinese made their push into India. Expect more joint operations going forward especially after the success of this week.

-CPEC more secure. The PLA moving into Ladakh will further secure CPEC.

I share same thoughts. Too lazy to type it out.
Superb analysis.

What we are forgetting here is that this development is also extremely bad news for the US and Western backers of India. China is showing a mere glimpse of its power.
Count President Trump out! The Chinese belligerent and aggressive attitude actually helps his re-election bid...
What will stop China's aggression is a blow to its backbone. I believe that this power is in India.
With so many of his soliders dead has Moody not made any statement yet?

Typical kachi coward. Always hiding and too afraid to show their faces when the heat is on.
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