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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

BREAKING: 34 Indian Soldiers killed.

London's Telegraph Reports, not only India's one Colonel and two soldiers are dead, 34 Indian soldiers are missing in action in the face off with China. 20 has been confirmed rest are missing.

Flood? Monsoon season

There was a landslide incident reported from India yesterday.

Holy crap there are 2043 guests and just 134 users interested in a conflict of 3 billion people.
Indian military has confirmed that Chinese have used small arms.

This is getting out of control!

Around 145 injured and 39 Indian soldiers captured is also being reported. These are some serious numbers and this whole thing is turning into sonething bigger than a STAND OFF!
IF india wants to avoid a disastrous full blown war, more than back door diplomacy they will have to get their media under control. Failure to do this mean the extremist hindutva appeasement media outlets will charge up the public with more stupid and fake news breaks like exaggerated deaths on Chinese side or tge kind of propaganda we heard a few days ago like Chinese soldiers wont fight as the are only child of their parents and calls for "making china pay". This charged up public then have to be cooled down for political purposes and that forces government into makeing ill informed rash decisions with serious consequences!! That is what happened in case of Pulwama attack where the extremist driven media put blame on Pakistan minutes after attack and the public was so charged up that gov had to take a poorly planned and executed decision of LOC intrusion that eventually led to embarrassment faced by India on Feb 27!! In case of China-India, the consequences will be even more serious.

See, this is how much the public have been misguided and made a fool. Check out the replies to this tweet confirming 20 deaths!!

Indian gov, if they want to avoid war, must control the media from propagating war hysteria!! That is more important than asking Russians to to meditate.
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