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10 amazing things about China

India executes 500 times more children than China executes criminals. Prove me wrong, otherwise.

Please let us know what institute your book teaches you to refer as India.
Is it Indian army, Govt, public, judiciary etc.
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Are you seriously trying to imply that the Government of India is deliberately denying its citizens food?

What's the point of such meaningless comments?

Grow up.

The point is: India government factually kills more innocent than China kills criminals.

It is GoI that is governing India.
Please let us know what institure your book teaches you to refer as India.
Is it Indian army, Govt, public, judiciary etc.

Sir, I have problem in understanding your English, your official language.
Did I provide you with the fact that CPC, the leadership, members are not allowed to bow to any religions? :bounce:

You're welcom...

Aside Han, there are four big minorities (Man, Zhuang, Mongol, Tibet. The Big Five are reflected in the five yellow stars of the chinese national flag). I don't want to wast time on enumerating each of them but the one that may interest you the most: Tibetan.

Please read the following. If you don't agree, provide your refutation with data, not just a big mouth:

Tibet sets GDP growth rate of 12% next year -- Chinatibetnews.com

Tibet ranks 1st in China in telecom growth rate _English_Xinhua

Tibet ranks 1st in China in telecom growth rate- People's Daily Online

BTW, I strongly suggest you study Chinese language. Don't talk to me, but talk to those who don't speak English who happily live in China via Internet.

I Have read all your links, but the questioning was regarding how bad China is doing overall to the true minorities. Infact you have to visit India today, sinces the poorest of the poorest has a cell phone to communicate. India is also doing the samethings that you have provided links too, which did not answer my question because you answer based on one example, which was providing a cell phone to minorities!! And so did I!!!!

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The point is: India government factually kills more innocent than China kills criminals.

It is GoI that is governing India.

thats why many tibetiteans have to run for life leaving their own country when u occupied

thats is the same reason taiwan is functioning as a seperate state so to escape chinese attrocities

thats why thousands of Uyghur's were suppressed when they revolted against hans chinese

if u have any source which tells indian courts execute more people then ur chinese one we r happily ready to hear u,but if u r here only to bring each and every death under the sun as execution we can also bring more stories
I Have read all your links, but the questioning was regarding how bad China is doing overall to the true minorities. Infact you have to visit India today, sinces the poorest of the poorest has a cell phone to communicate. India is also doing the samethings that you have provided links too, which did not answer my question because you answer based on one example, which was providing a cell phone to minorities!! And so did I!!!!


jeypore, buddy, I hope you have studied in an unbiased way and used your brain somehow before posting.

Can you please first define what is “true minority” and what is “false minority”?

Then tell us who are the true minorities and who are the false minorities in China? Is Tibetan a false minority as there is a huge population?

Thirdly, why don’t you enumerate couple of bad policies from state level that ONLY apply to the true minority but favorable to Han and other false minorities?

Let me guess what the bad things could be. Restrictions on religion? Same to Han. Restrictions of freedom of speech? Same to the Han. Internet blocking? The same to all. Starvation? Not any more in China. One child policy? Only applies to Han, but not the minorities. In fact, minorities enjoy a great deal of preferential policies. One blatant example is “two less and one leniency”, i.e., for ethnic minority criminals, it should catch them less, sentence them less, and be more lenient to them. Some Chinese believe this reverse discrimination is precisely one of the causes of Xingjiang and Tibet riots.

In fact, to get the benefits of preferential policies, many Han classified their mainly Han children as non-Han. Decades ago, I met a student from mainland China whose child is only ¼ Mongol, which still can officially be Mongol by state policy, and he preferred to registered the child as Mongol.

Yes, in general higher percentage of minorities is living in bad condition. They do not enjoy the condition to compete with the rest of their Chinese brothers. But you can’t say no Han not living in bad condition. In addition, many minorities live in naturally unfavorable places due to historical reasons (running away form wars, famines, etc.) for thousands of years. UN have designated numerous places mainly occupied by minorities as unfit for human beings to live. But where can they move? China is a place that has already tightly packed everywhere. If not to move them is a violation of human rights, to move them is also a violation of human rights. Give us your genius ideas.

I’d say, on state level, there is no policy that are discriminating the minorities, regardless how true or false the minority is. There are only reverse discrimination policies in China. On regional level, from ordinary people, yes, there are regional discriminations. People get discriminated due to their accents/life habits etc.; and perhaps racial discriminations. IMPO, guess perhaps the Uyghurs are the only big “visible minority” per western norm, but you can in general tell the Cantonese from some specific features as well…
thats why many tibetiteans have to run for life leaving their own country when u occupied

You forget to mention that there are also many Tibetans living in India regretting they came to India. But they can't go back to China legally as they can't prove that they are Chinese.

Unless for those former slave owners and some amount of others, most of them fled Tibat for religious reasons.

thats is the same reason taiwan is functioning as a seperate state so to escape chinese attrocities

you successfully convinced me that only stupidity has no limits in this universe.

Why do you afraid being wiser? It can't kill you but will save you.

thats why thousands of Uyghur's were suppressed when they revolted against hans chinese

if u have any source which tells indian courts execute more people then ur chinese one we r happily ready to hear u,but if u r here only to bring each and every death under the sun as execution we can also bring more stories

U execute children out side of courts, leaving no place, no chance, for the victims to appeal.

Oops, you timed out. Come back later, and be wiser. (hopefully)
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11. Muslim Turks and Tibetans Genocide and humanity crimes in Urumqi and Tibet, test the nukes on these peoples .... Kill and rape the Muslim women daily .... Murdering 60,000 people in one night (this is new a record)....
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