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1. Tranche of Armata T-14 and recovery Armata T-16 delivered befor end of 2019


Apr 2, 2017
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The first tranche of twelve Armata T14 battle tanks and four Armata T16 armored recovery vehicles will be delivered by the end of 2019 or early 2020. At a press conference during the Dubai Airshow, Sergei Chemezov, head of Rostec State Technology Group, explained the state of play of the Russian lighthouse program Armata.

Armata is a standardized platform with heavy tracked vehicles, which serves as the basis for the development of a battle tank, an armored infantry fighting vehicle, an armored personnel carrier and some other armored vehicles.

The T-14 main battle tank based on the Armata platform was first presented to the public at the Victory Day parade on Red Square on May 9, 2015. The new combat vehicle has fully digitized equipment, an unmanned turret and an insulated armored capsule for the crew.

In February 2018, the Russian Ministry of Defense had signed a contract for the series production of 132 Armata T14, T15 and T16. After that, the approximately 100 vehicles should be delivered by the end of 2020. In the opinion of insiders this will not be achieved.

At the beginning of 2019, the ministry had announced the beginning of the company's testing of a preliminary lot of just under 20 main battle tanks T14. In May 2019, the 1st Guards Tank Regiment Chertkovsky of the 2nd Taman Guard MotSchützen presented the T14 at the Victory Day Parade. After that, the tanks went into different climates for further testing. In the beginning of 2020 this regiment should receive the first T14 and test the pilot lot of the twelve battle tanks and four armored recovery vehicles in the troop attempt on the suitability from troop view.

The tanks of the pilot lot are the first vehicles from mass production. Compared to the previously known equipment, some significant improvements have been implemented, as reported by Franz Stefan Gady in "The Diplomat". Accordingly, the engine, transmission and fire control system have been revised. In addition, Gady expects a new or modified ammunition for the 125 -mm cannon.

so the Armata is now real in micro scale mass production.... they recive whopping 12 tanks till 2020.... that are only 2288 less than claimed "2300 Armata till 2020" in 2015....
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