October 11th, 2010
Wanted Head or Dead
Talal Bugti has made a fabulous offer of Rupees One Billion and 1000 acres of agri-land to one presenting him with Musharrafs head on a platter. Too tempting an offer for any one to resist, especially in these hard days of high inflation!
My first concern is that if Musharraf doesnt return to Pakistan how would the would be assassin avoid being apprehended by the UK police? Next, even if he could evade them how would he transport the head to Pakistan?
My final concern is that Bhutto was hanged for annotating an otherwise non-serious looking remark eliminate him on Nawab Raza Qasuris file, how would Talal escape the noose for having made his intentions that public and that too in a press conference and live on TV ?! And -- if he is hanged who would pay the head money and transfer the land? I think, not worth taking the risk of pic king up the gauntlet.
Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)