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1.5 billion barrels of oil


Jan 3, 2008
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United Kingdom
As reported we are going to be 5th or 6th largest oil producing country in near future. Also we have largest oil reserves in Balochistan and KPK, if they get discovered we might become one single largest oil producing nation. Now what I am thinking, what if we use oil drilling contracts as a tool to boost our defence capabilities, world needs money and we need Technology.
I think near future holds mega money for Pakistan, it's not just oil there are other factors, I'll elaborate on them later in thread, but for now share your thoughts what we can gain from world to reproduce it much better and cheaper. Convert it to cash, so we don't relay on just one thing like Arabs.
too early to say anything. Better to wait for confirmation regarding the oil reserves from some valid source.
As reported we are going to be 5th or 6th largest oil producing country in near future. Also we have largest oil reserves in Balochistan and KPK, if they get discovered we might become one single largest oil producing nation. Now what I am thinking, what if we use oil drilling contracts as a tool to boost our defence capabilities, world needs money and we need Technology.
I think near future holds mega money for Pakistan, it's not just oil there are other factors, I'll elaborate on them later in thread, but for now share your thoughts what we can gain from world to reproduce it much better and cheaper. Convert it to cash, so we don't relay on just one thing like Arabs.
No reserves numbers have been published yet.
If there were massive reserves in Baluchistan and KPK they would have been discovered by now.

The only reason I have hope from this offshore well is that it has not been explored before. If this exploration effort comes up short all other future wells in the area will be met with utmost scepticism unless proven otherwise.
If there were massive reserves in Baluchistan and KPK they would have been discovered by now.

The only reason I have hope from this offshore well is that it has not been explored before. If this exploration effort comes up short all other future wells in the area will be met with utmost scepticism unless proven otherwise.
There is a reason I guess why in balochistan they never discover because of security reason.
As reported we are going to be 5th or 6th largest oil producing country in near future. Also we have largest oil reserves in Balochistan and KPK, if they get discovered we might become one single largest oil producing nation. Now what I am thinking, what if we use oil drilling contracts as a tool to boost our defence capabilities, world needs money and we need Technology.
I think near future holds mega money for Pakistan, it's not just oil there are other factors, I'll elaborate on them later in thread, but for now share your thoughts what we can gain from world to reproduce it much better and cheaper. Convert it to cash, so we don't relay on just one thing like Arabs.

1.5B is peanuts for the size of pakiatan
Oil is confirmed just matter of Imran Khan making an announcement, Balochistan has mega oil and gas reserves, only reason they not been explored yet was corrupted governments, they held back dams and resources so Pakistan become weak state, not any more. In Sha Allah Pakistan is on right tracks, in few days you guys will hear a good news.

1.5B is peanuts for the size of pakiatan
You must be joking bro, it's massive .

There is a reason I guess why in balochistan they never discover because of security reason.
Not security it was deal done with Iran that Pakistan will not drill for oil and gas in Balochistan only reason Iran land mass is higher then Pakistan side and they thought if we drill there oil will move towards Pakistan side. I think it needs to change now. We should drill our side.

It is all hype until proven otherwise
Not anymore.
1.5B is peanuts for the size of pakiatan
Pakistan has yearly consumption of around 600000 barrels so no 1.5 billion barrels are not peanuts. We could potentially become net exporters of oil.

If there were massive reserves in Baluchistan and KPK they would have been discovered by now.

The only reason I have hope from this offshore well is that it has not been explored before. If this exploration effort comes up short all other future wells in the area will be met with utmost scepticism unless proven otherwise.

Not even 5% area has been explored in balochistan mainly due to security concerns. Same goes for KPK AS WELL.
Pakistan has yearly consumption of around 600000 barrels so no 1.5 billion barrels are not peanuts. We could potentially become net exporters of oil.

600,000 barrels is per day consumption, not per year. 1.5 Billion barrels is 2,500 days (6.8 years) of use at 600,000 barrels per day. It's not alot for a country like Pakistan, and even less when the total recoverable oil generally is less then the estimated total amount.

reminds me of largest Gold reserves in "Riko dick", Gold reserves in Chiot, largest shale oil reserves, largest coal reserves and the largest d'k we have, most of all biggest mouth.
Was rumors in back days we have rivers flowing of raw oil the flow runs towards Iran and we not drilling or whatever to make Iran happy with us bla bla bla.
Come out from dreams and work hard like japan stand up from ashes and ruins without any natural resources become worlds top second economic power.
Wake up.
600,000 barrels is per day consumption, not per year. 1.5 Billion barrels is 2,500 days (6.8 years) of use at 600,000 barrels per day. It's not alot for a country like Pakistan, and even less when the total recoverable oil generally is less then the estimated total amount.


Link is saying something else 588 per day

You are correct its daily. Even if we can manage to reduce 25% of yearly oil bills for next 10 years it will give our economy required breathing period. Don't underestimate value of this discovery. This also means that in future more such discoveries are possible.
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reminds me of largest Gold reserves in "Riko dick", Gold reserves in Chiot, largest shale oil reserves, largest coal reserves and the largest d'k we have, most of all biggest mouth.
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