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1,000 Gaza children disabled by Israel's 2014 onslaught

The truth is that the Torah may have some beautiful passages, but everything in it has been subordinated to the doctrine Judaism-is-under-attack-so-we-Jews-can-murder-rob-and-lie-all-we-want.

That may not be what you profess, but that's the life you're living. Right now.

I just slightly edited your quote above. Work with me here. IMO Zionism is to Judaism to what ISIS is to Islam. The don't represent us.
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I just slightly edited your quote above. Work with me here -
And you've noticed that it doesn't fit the Jews of Israel. The Arabs who didn't revolt kept their civil and property rights, the Jews aren't driving them out or committing murder in the streets - the exceptions prove the rule. It's the Jews who want peace and the Palestinian Arabs whose leaders first agreed and once they wielding power drove their masses to madness to reject it, demanding everything plus respect instead - and this is what you support.
And you've noticed that it doesn't fit the Jews of Israel. The Arabs who didn't revolt kept their civil and property rights, the Jews aren't driving them out or committing murder in the streets - the exceptions prove the rule. It's the Jews who want peace and the Palestinian Arabs whose leaders first agreed and once they wielding power drove their masses to madness to reject it, demanding everything plus respect instead - and this is what you support.
Oh really? If Israel wants peace then why do they kill innocent children? In 1947 Jews came to Palestine and now have captured their homeland. And recently so called peaceful Israel used chemical weapons against Palestinians.

Oh really? If Israel wants peace then why do they kill innocent children?...chemical weapons...
You'll have to be specific. But do yourself and others a favor and filter out the phony ones first, along with the few genuine ones demonstrably rejected by Israel as a nation. Note, too, that civilians employed as human shields lose their protected status under international law.
In 1947 Jews came to Palestine and now have captured their homeland.
On the plus side, you're acknowledging Jews have returned to their homeland. On the minus side, you believe they parachuted in in 1947. You'll want to study the history of Zionism a bit more, I guess.
It's not the first time I make comments that proves I am unfit to participate in PDF discussions.
I am deeply sorry that I edit other peoples quotes, and will refrain doing so in the future.
My only excuse is that I am a proven moron, which cannot come up with original statements.
I edited your quote, correcting spelling errors...

I really don't think it's the place of a Ruskie to talk about large scale destruction, is it?

I think we know what you did in Grozny

Chechnyan rebels managed to seceed from the Soviet Union.
They used the freedom to attack Russia, killing plenty of children
in a well-known attack on a Russian school.
In short, they were stupid.
To even suggest that tinpot rockets are a threat to one of the world's most sophisticated military machine is nothing short of hallucination.

The muslim world, if there is one, does not care about palestine anymore. Since almost each muslim country has been involved in a proxy war with one another suggests how divided the muslim world is within itself.
And nothing is being done about it...

The time to something about it is before it happens.

The end result with plenty of civilians killed was predictable before the conflict.

Our dear Palestinian mouthpiece @Hazzy997 (aka @Falcon29) was excited
at the chance of getting a go at Israel. He for some unexplicable reason expected
a different result in a war that ended up killing a lot if his relatives.

The "secret weapons" like tunnels and anti-tank missiles which he apparently was aware of
proved on the whole to be ineffective, so did the many rockets sent out which did little damage
even if the attack themselves made life a misery for those living in attacked areas.

This was a conflict the Palestinian leadership wanted, because they thought it would
end with Israel lifting the blockade.

Instead, the vast resources spent on tunnels proved to the world that the blockade is
neccessary, so the world opinion has more or less gone quiet.
Ships to Gaza tried another run for Gaza, but this was ignored by the world media as nothing new.

What should be done, is new elections in Palestinian territories,
where people can give their opinion on the Palestinian leadership,
which brought the life in Gaza back to medieval times.
This is normaly for JEWISH culture as under extremist Jewish Faith

Goyim/Gentile = Idoltor (hindu, Buddhist), Non Jewish origin (Christian/Muslims) man or women.

1. Jew is allowed to killed a (Goyim / Gentile) , and should not have any bad feeling becasue Goyim are animals not humans

2. Jew is allowed to kill a Goyim / Gentile , if they are hit or verbally abused its ok to kill

3. Jewish court is not "Obliged to provide justice" if it is favour of Goyim/Gentile, a jew can say he was defending himsel and his testimony counts , because "Jewish" faith needs only 1 witness , a Jew

4. Jew is not allowed to help a wounded , if the person is bleeding and happens to be Goyim/Gentile they can let the person bleed to death, its their "FAITH" , The jew is only asked to help if it will help preseve some positive image for Jews in media

5. If a goyim/Gentile is being chased by Jewish person or mob , the authorities are not allowed to stop the Jew or Mob, doing so is against religion

6 Jew faith teaches , that its forbidden for Jews to teach Torah , or book of laws to Gentile or Goyim becasue it will be used against them

The problem is not the people its the god damn Faith !!

Talk Reason: arguments against creationism, intelligent design, and religious apologetics

Read the teaching of Jewish faith , in link I provided from source and then read the killing done by Jews to Goyim Palestinians then you will understand why they are killing with out any guilt

"It is ok for Jew to kill "Best" of Gentile" i.e even if you are peaceful but if you are gentile , you can get killed and Jews would not be at fault nor they should feel bad in their hearts

Note: Disabling of innocent children is example of "Best" of gentile as children are innocent and have committed no crime but its ok if they are killed or crippled. This lwo or teaching applies in the case of Palestinian children , and you will also see the Jews defending these action as its part of their religion. They do not consider non jews as human or having soul

It is against law , to treat a Gentile by a Jewish doctor

All Gentile women have rank of an animal or prostitutes , and under no circumstances a Jew may marry a Gentile women. A Non jew if he marries a Jew women both parties are to be punished by death

Extraction of Maximum "Interest" is allowed from a Gentile ! !

According to Jewish Scholars, the soul "human" are present in Jews, and Gentile are suppose to have incomplete souls , something similar to Animal souls , so the Jewish person can never be eqaul to Gentile

Now when you will read the stories coming out of Israel , you will understand what is going on !!

That is also reason why you will find Jews defending the actions with rocket excuse, becasue they are Racist who want superiority over other races
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...It is against law , to treat a Gentile by a Jewish doctor
Since only the dimmest of people know this is false, this one statement alone is enough for everyone, regardless of their religion or creed, to realize that AZADPAKISTAN2009 isn't ignorant but propagating a lie because he's a hatemongering antisemite.
Sorry I am just a a Goyim/Gentile - just the best of Goyim
What you're expressing isn't just hatred, but envy. Well, there are such people as converts in Judaism. It takes study, work, and commitment - plus another chip off the tip. But it can be done and I know several. You don't have to be a hater, Azad.
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Or perhaps if you had a clue about what you're talking about, you'd know the blockade came only after Hamas seized power, ripped up agreements, threw out international observers and started to rocket Israeli towns.

You despicable apologist.
Why does it concern Israel what happens at Gaza? Hamas didn't seize power, they came through an election. And what agreements did they rip up, the ones that gave Israel power over Gaza!

But then again, you can 't agree with Zionists and Hasbara Trolls.
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