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08.03 Strong earthquake hits China's Yunnan province, at least 367 killed










A powerful earthquake jolted Southwest China's Yunnan Province Sunday afternoon, killing at least 381. Following is what we know and still don't know about the disaster as of Monday morning.

-- Quake:

It struck at 4:30 pm Sunday (Beijing Time);

Epicenter was 12 km deep at Longtoushan, a township 23 km southwest of the county seat of Ludian, Zhaotong City in Yunnan;

-- Destruction:

It was the most powerful earthquake to hit Yunnan in 14 years;

It is so far the third-deadliest earthquake in China in the past six years (after 2008's Wenchuan Earthquake and 2010's Yushu Earthquake);

Over 12,000 houses toppled and 30,000 were damaged;

-- Casualties:

381 killed (302 in Ludian, 66 in Qiaojia County, 12 in Huize County, 1 in Zhaoyang District);

1,801 injured;

3 still missing;

-- Disaster zone:

Quake-prone region in northeast Yunnan;

One of the poorest areas in China;

Zhaotong's population is around 5.2 million;

Home to 23 minority ethnic groups;

-- Rescue efforts:

7,000 rescuers, including 5,000 soldiers, police officers, and firefighters, are searching the rubble and working to move the injured out of the quake zone;

Chinese President Xi Jinping urged prioritizing saving lives;

Premier Li Keqiang is en route to Yunnan to oversee quake relief;

Two military helicopters and two cargo planes are on their way to the quake zone;

Highest level of earthquake emergency response issued;

-- What is hampering rescue:

Continuous downpours (rain expected for the next four days);

Blocked roads;

Lack of professional facilities and rescue workers;

-- Potential dangers:

Rain-triggered mudslides;

Collapsing houses;

Rising "earthquake lakes" due to areas filling with water

Frequent aftershocks;

-- What is most urgently needed:


Food and medicine;

Quilts and blankets;



Power still out in some remote regions;

-- Still unknown:

When blocked roads will be cleared; officials said relief supplies are in stock but hard to deliver.

Source: Global Times
RIP to the deceased ans speedy recovery for the injured.

Given the experience of the art major earthquake in Sichuan, I'm sure the Chinese government can rebuild the livelihood of the affected area in a short time.

The future will be bright again
Our most sincere condolences ! Rest in Peace to all those who died.
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