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05-Mar-2023 - Imran Khan's Arrest, and Related News and Discussions

Police can't find him at his home in zaman Park.has he gone on the run.
Shame on PTI fan boys if IK is arrested. If people love the Pakistani law so much then arrested the corrupt Generals, beuracrats, judges, politicians, mafias.
that's what I see

In either case, Pakistani deep state is highly corrupt and compromised, they will not do well by Pakistan.
Who knows what they have planned for him in jail, I think he absolutely must resist.
No they can't kill him. He is an easy target outside, but if he dies in jail (even due to natural causes), we all know it will be an end of certain quarters.
It is obvious that the neutrals and the useless Pakistani elites want the end of IK and PTI at all costs. The only real genuine movement across ethnic groups, regions etc. was that of IK's and PTI's movement to shake up Pakistan and attempt to change it for the better.

This will not be allowed by the usual suspects (add her the corrupt political mafia dynasties that are part of the neutrals game) and current power circles of Pakistan.

Sad, frustrating but an expected outcome.

As I wrote in another thread about the economic collapse of Pakistan and many times before, Pakistan as we know it and its rotten core needs to collapse in its current form for a stronger, more righteous and better Pakistan to emerge.
No they can't kill him. He is an easy target outside, but if he dies in jail (even due to natural causes), we all know it will be an end of certain quarters.
Yes, but the sentiment of people has already been assessed, the recent attempt proved that the reaction is manageable and IK himself thinks they will attempt again. I think they will, they have too much to lose.
By the way, whoever has planned this on a Sunday, he is an absolute duffer.

Yes, but the sentiment of people has already been assessed, the recent attempt proved that the reaction is manageable and IK himself thinks they will attempt again. I think they will, they have too much to lose.
They can kill him outside, but not in jail. That would be the end.

If he is killed outside, they can still put it on xyz.
5-1 odds on favourite to be killed this year at the underground bookies in Birmingham U.K. .
You put £50 on for return of £300 .

Pakistan State not to kill him odds of 8-1 , £50 gives you £400 back .

Glad I put the bet on last week as I think the odds will have tumbled after he’s arrest .

In perspective Manchester United to win English premiership was 50-1 at the beginning of February . £100 brings back £5100 return .

Come on United .
By the way, whoever has planned this on a Sunday, he is an absolute duffer.

They can kill him outside, but not in jail. That would be the end.

If he is killed outside, they can still put it on xyz.
I hope you're right, but they are desperate and they are probably seeing this as personal, so I think they will try any means necessary, and probably tourture him before killing him.
People mobilising at his home and elsewhere. The police won't get through.
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