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05-Mar-2023 - Imran Khan's Arrest, and Related News and Discussions

Meanwhile previous bastard said that bangladesh happened because of politicians.

And army and its fanbois want in history books that they did not surrendered 90k soldiers but far less.
In Bajwa’s last infamous speech, he absolved establishment totally from ‘71 fiasco and went on to say 90k didn’t surrender.

Hamood ur Rehman report to pehle publish kar de.
This is being forwarded around in Pakistani community in USA.

Screenshot 2023-03-05 at 10.45.31 AM.png
Economically he started playing with IMF when he knew his time as PM was up. (politically it was master stroke but economically first dose of venom) Shaukat tareen was another f up. He should have left PM ship when he could not make tough decision such as atif mian as economic advisor. Now why crying that I didn't had real power.
well he claimed that the subsidy was FUNDED, IMF has no qualms with funded programs it only is against budget over drives
but thats it? he was fired before that program could be implemented, infact it was continued and then EVEN EXTENDED by another month by miftah ismail.

so i cant add that to my list
The program was implemented by IK for 39 days and extended by PDM for 44 days.
عمران خان کی ساری کوشش کہ آئینی، قانونی، انسانی طریقے سے کام نکلوایا جائے، ناکام ہو چکی ہے۔
لیکن عمران خان کی ٹائمنگ بھی اچھی نہیں ہے۔
Three, four weeks before there was time to sorround pindi, he started jail bharo movement.
Now he is on a risky balance - road protest in favor of Criminal military Inc and PDM to postpone elections, and declare emergency.

What forum members think?
What viable options IK has?

I think now IK has to be patient, and use legal language against his assasination attempt.
The program was implemented by IK for 39 days and extended by PDM for 44 days.
Miftah was thought to be doing good but he extended it for 44 days even though original plan was just 30days

Reality is plan wasn't needed afterwards since oil prices were starting to come down internationally
Nawaz Sharif demands immediate assassination of Imran Khan.

Mota Nawaja is angry with Asim, shahbaz, Maryam and Kala Rana because they havn't arrested IK.

Nawaz wants the same treatment for IK that they gave to Arshad sharif. Nawaz and Maryam received
the torture video of Arshad shaheed and they threw a party afterwards.

May Allah destroy this Nawaz clan and the rogue Army Generals. Ameen.
Miftah was thought to be doing good but he extended it for 44 days even though original plan was just 30days

Reality is plan wasn't needed afterwards since oil prices were starting to come down internationally

But that was not really the major cause of the downfall.

Failure to get the loans in time, no signs of structural reform, no political stability, failure to stabilize the Rs, failure to bring investor confidence etc etc.

But that was not really the major cause of the downfall.

Failure to get the loans in time, no signs of structural reform, no political stability, failure to stabilize the Rs, failure to bring investor confidence etc etc.
But PMLN thinks a 70b subsidy destroyed 20b$ of reforms
IK will be bigger traitor if he don't make example of all public servants and office holders (Including holy cows of Judiciary and Military) from top to bottom involved in violating constitution, laws and obstructing/delaying justice. We need to clean the mess with cold heart, no excuse that person was just following orders - No Truth & Reconciliation (another fancy name of NRO) of Nelson Mandala bullsh!t like he was talking in his previous speech will deter people. Doesn't matter how many people (found guilty) we have to hang in public, these cancerous haramkhoors needs to taken out of system and fresh blood needs to be inducted.
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