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    What do you know about the Last Caliph?

    i thought khorasan was tajikistan and turkinestan and uzbekistan mainly?
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    Would Pakistan support Iran in case Israel attacks Iranian Nuclear Facilities?

    i think we should stop using the word islamic for the middle east any more we should return to be midle easterners the islamic word brings too many divisions and weakens all the middleast. Arabs have 1 thing in common which unites us and that we have big noses lol
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    India, Saudi Arabia for enhanced defence co-operation

    lol i know they the saudis should stick to usa and pakistani pilots
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    Would Pakistan support Iran in case Israel attacks Iranian Nuclear Facilities?

    It is non of pakistans business if war breaks out in iran and pakistan should worry about unifiying its own country fighting its own extremists and creating jobs for its people. In an event of a usa strike pakistan should close its border. The only times pakistan has had good relations with Iran...
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    Iran Defends the Three Islands-The Hurmuz Strait - Persian Gulf

    the islands are arab and should be returned to the uae and uae should be prepared to go to war in last resort. ?Bahrain never belonged to iran its alaways been arab.
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    Pakistan government set to split

    pakistan will always be pakistan the army is the reall govt.
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    Supreme Court may call army for support

    It seems that Pakistans govts now and past dont ever controll the army. Is the army independant from govt or something. How much power does it have in pakistan?
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    The US Accuses North Korea

    north korea is not muslim but it is like an extended family with syria iran libya . Well we arabs regard them as our arab cousins loool. We love its charimatic leader Mr Kim Jong 11. by the way this nuclear thing was a lot of BS. Kim jong was building us a secret amusement park but those...
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    Qatar and Oman to invest $8 Billion in Pakistan

    cool should be more money from the gulf going in middleast east nations . They usually throw there wealth in usa and europe
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