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What do you know about the Last Caliph?

i thought khorasan was tajikistan and turkinestan and uzbekistan mainly?
khurasaan is an ancient region that encompasses parts of iran, afghanistan, balochistan and NWFP/FATA, Uzbekistan, and some of the other CAR.

that's why most of pakistan is considered part of central asia and even a part of the greater middle east, much to the dismay of akhand bharat fanatics. only parts of pakistan including sindh and punjab share similarities with india.

NWFP, FATA, and Balochistan were all a part of afghanistan. that's more than 50% of pakistan's territory. there are pashtuns, uzbeks, hindkos, hazaras, balochis (an iranian people), mongoloids, and people of arab/persian descent in pakistan.
Khurasaan refers to the land of the sunrise or the East. In the old days the term was applied to the area of Nishapour upto the Sir Darya. That means all of Afghanistan and Central Asia. When the army of Khurasaan is referred to in the texts; it probably refers to army that came from Eastern Lands such as the army of Abu Muslim which ousted the Ummayyads dynasty or the army of Mamun-ur Rashid who ousted his elder brother Amin ur Rashid to unite the Abbaside empire.

Merv ( located on the Murghab river at the edge of Karakum desert, some 350 kilometers north of Herat) now in the country of Turkmenistan was the main city of Khurasaan until replaced by Nishapur after the Mongol invasion in the 12th Cenutry AD. Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal was born there and some of the Saljuqi Sultans such as Alap Arsalan and Sanjar are buried there.

IMO it would be stretching it a bit too far south to include any part of Pakistan in Khurasaan. Stretching to the limit, it could be said that perhaps northern Baluchistan along Koh e Taftan was part of the ancient Khurasaan.

Modern day Khurasaan consists of the area what was previously called the Toos (TUS) of the north east Iran.
i pray that i live to see the day when the khilafat returns. muslims have ruled this world many times, we can do it again. the hidden beast that is the ummah will shake the world.

The hidden Beast Ummah will shake the world again ?


So you are planning to conquer Russia and China in your neighbourhood after India and Israel ?

Well Done keep up the wet dream fantasy !

The hidden Beast Ummah will shake the world again ?


So you are planning to conquer Russia and China in your neighbourhood after India and Israel ?

Well Done keep up the wet dream fantasy !

it's fine by me if you want to resort to insults, no problem. but please do tell me, exactly how much of the world's landmass is occupied by muslims?
it's fine by me if you want to resort to insults, no problem. but please do tell me, exactly how much of the world's landmass is occupied by muslims?

No please educate me but while you are it please also check how much of that ummah land is with people who live in poverty, misery, dismal human rights records, hunger, movements linked to AQ and then dream about the Ummah Superpower.

BTW what does the Superpower Ummah plan to do with godless states like Russia and China ? Just curious ? Do you plan to convert them ?

Let me know more about the Ummah after taking a trip to see how your fellow brothers there treat muslims from Pakistan , India etc - Equally Bad.

No please educate me but while you are it please also check how much of that ummah land is with people who live in poverty, misery, dismal human rights records, hunger, movements linked to AQ and then dream about the Ummah Superpower.
good, knowledge is power! you only need to put your finger at Morocco, move down to nigeria, move right towards the middle east, either go up to kazakhstan or right towards indonesia. simple enough, right?

as for your human rights records, hunger, and terrorist movements, I think china, india, and russia all have those problems. is that going to stop them from reaching that point?

BTW what does the Superpower Ummah plan to do with godless states like Russia and China ? Just curious ? Do you plan to convert them ?
did I say we will attack them? is the US planning to attack China or Russia? obviously not, but they do shake the world and manipulate it to their whim.

Let me know more about the Ummah after taking a trip to see how your fellow brothers there treat muslims from Pakistan , India etc - Equally Bad.
here we go again, tibetians are killing han chinese, indians are killing each other, russians are killing chechens, whites killed blacks. now tell me, how does that interfere with a nation's capability to project power and influence?

we are talking about a superpower, the power of a nation, military might. not human rights and people.
Muslim Ummah is not a coherent, cohesive, unified body. It seems to be an imaginary force to me. There are just too many differences between Muslims for them to come together for a common purpose.

What is the meaning of Ummah? --> One People

The feud between Shia and Sunnis is centuries old, almost as old as the birth of Islam. You don't hear all this in all the legendary stories generally told to Muslims about how fantastic and powerful and rich and united we all are.

There is always a problem between Muslims over theology. There are the Wahabhis, Tablikis and hle Hadis, who consider their version to be the purest form of Islam, derived directly from the Prophet's ways and teachings.

Then there are biddati Sunnis, Shias, kurds, Allawis, Druze, Ahmadiyas, Sufis...... hundreds of them. There ain't no unity here.. :(

If there really was a Muslim Ummah, than Saudi Arabia would not oppose Hizbollah and Iran. Instead, they would assist them in their struggle against israel.

But that ain't what you see around. So, anyone can easily conclude that, maybe a few centuries ago, there was a Muslim ummah, there is none in existence now.
Ummah means "Nation". Nations have been in internal conflict, revolution, reformations, etc, since ever. The Ummah simply ascribes to a Nation that consists of Muslims, and the Caliphate is the supreme representative body for Muslims.

The Caliphate isn't something that relies on interpretation of the religion or history, but rather the explicit laws written in the Quran and the methodology of building the Caliphate. Regardless of whether Muslims are divided into Shia, Sunni, X, Y & Z, all they need to do is follow the Quran & Sunnah. The Islamic State must follow the Quran and its means to exist must never conflict with the laws in the Quran.

Regardless of its theocratic nature, Islamic Law isn't as sophisticated or prone to theological divides as people seem to think. Much of the theological divides in Islam have to do with secular history than the actual religion and system of beliefs.

With regards to the monarchal rulers who called themselves Caliphs...despite their ills, many people - even in India - recognized them as their Caliphs. The will of the people to recognize their leaders is integral to the validity of a Caliph.
I want to find information about the Last Caliph of Islam, who was dethroned by a fool names Gemal Ataturk

Please don't insult Ataturk. He saved Turkey and was a great man, as well as Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah's role model.
The Caliph, Izzetin, was a traitor and no one can defend him on the issue of the Sevres Pact.
asalaam alikum brother

last caliph name was sultam abdul majeed 2nd. he was removed by kamal ata turk(the enemy of islam). ending the khilafat ending a history and a farz ordered by Allah and his last and greatest prophet(pbuh). he and his family was expelled from turkey to switzerland. he died finaly in 1944 in paris where he was in his last days.
now is it the resposibility of all the muslims to work to re establish khilafat. NO VIOLENCE NO KILLING BUT AN INTELECTUAL SRTUGGLE A POLITICAL STRUGGLE Khilafah will return and this time it will rule over the entire earth according to hadees e pak.
we r told about its return by our beloved prophet(pbuh), but we have to work for it because it is farz upon us. u can read about it either on khilafah.com or tanzeem.org

khilafah.com is banned by our govt. as it is dangerous for out puppet and cruel rulers. but there r ways of reaching the site if u hide ur ip address.
we need equip ourselves with knowledge. knowledge of history of khilafah. reasons for it decline and what we need to do for the return of khilafah, so only ALLAH's rule is implemented over all the muslims and unite us all under the khilafah. as it was for 1342 years.
may ALLAH give us the opportuniny to work to re establish khilafah. AMEEN
don't be offended but atta turk was a salanic jew who put the last nail in the coffin of khilafah. i respect quied e azam but i do feel that he with his all honesty and greatness was not know abt the damage atta turk did to the entire muslim world.
it's not pakistan but the entire muslim world that will unite and conquer rest of the world. remember within 100 years of arricval of islam. islam was ruling abt 2/3 of the worl and for over 1000 years. 800 years over spain alone from 712 to 1492. not with power but with justice. even jews christians and other europeans admit that
" read the golden history mulims made in spain and other parts creating justice for non mulim citizens of the state. not converting anyone by force rather they became muslims by free will and happily"
the damage atta turk did to the entire muslim world.

You all claim that ataturk was the enemy of islam....not that I agree with everything that he did... but if it were not for him, Izmir would now be controlled by the greeks and the British would still control Istanbul the same way they still control gibraltar.

The "khilafat" was tagged for destruction long before ataturk arose to power, and it was for other reasons such as how different ethnicities could not be united by the Ottoman Empire and how the Empire was picking sides in the great game between Russia and Western Europe. Ataturk was just cleaning up the mess that resulted from all this.

Most ironically, the people who claim proclaim that they speak for the ummah and want to establish khilafat are the same ones who the next minute will be proclaiming all other sects as heretics that need to be killed.
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