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  1. D

    Kuwait National Day - Military Parade

    and when uncle sam shows up, guns blazing, who will iran call?
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    Pakistan survival without Kashmir???

    my oh my, isn't someone having a bad day. If you are so ready to die, explain bangladesh, not to mention the thousands of iraqi civilians fleeing iraq, shouldn't they be unafraid of death? quit talking out of your a-s-s, wake up smell the ******* coffee and start using your head. now, about...
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    Indian Joint military excercise " Pokhran 2008"

    very cool...that special sniper unit, exceptionally badass.
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    Are India and Russia no longer comrades?

    stole the words right outta my mouth.
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    Indian company chief admits smuggling weapons technology

    finally we are taking a cue from china, and indeed any other country that can afford it, this guy must be one of hundreds maybe thousands the secret service employs to try and close in the technological gap between developing and developed countries. the Chinese secret service is reputed for...
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    Indian company chief admits smuggling weapons technology

    you should elaborate on 'indian real face'. (elaborate, in this context, means that you should give 'further details')
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    India Excludes Pakistan From 65-Nation Military Show Guest List

    Read the post again cupcake, theres nothing in there about india comparing itself with pakistan in any aspect, if indeed there is a comparison. Thank you Ice Cold, that was well said. The peace process is barely 5 years old, having fought four wars its going to be a while before our...
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    Pakistan is not a failed state

    HAHA, Touche!!!
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    India to use Israeli spy satellite to seek information on Pakistan

    I wouldn't call this a 'nightmare situation', maybe if they decide to do something about the information, that might probably constitute a nightmare situation.
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    Dutch Muslims condemn MP's film

    The Dutch Muslim Council has attacked far-right Dutch MP Geert Wilders' politics as "racist and fascist". The council, which includes 200 organisations, appealed for calm ahead of the planned release by the MP of a controversial film. Mr Wilders says his film will show the Koran as an...
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    Pakistan army chief rejects world nuclear fears

    Please do correct me if I am wrong, but if the case was as stated above, would pakistan be fighting America's war on terror?
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    If Pakistan is attacked

    this explains your 'rep power' and in only 24 posts!
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    ISRO launches Israeli Spy Satellite

    a dime for every persian we pissed off?
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    HAL, BAE study JV to make Hawk jets

    whats wrong with saying P.A.K.I??
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    HAL, BAE study JV to make Hawk jets

    havent been here (this forum) too long, and i have nothing really to contribute to this particular discussion, but what i have noticed is that no **** responds to any discussion that is even slightly pro-indian with no way to logically counter or deny any claims that might have been stated...
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    Pakistan president tells US to stay out

    seems like you dont want to understand anything I say. let me explain my point a little more clearly thus making it easier for you to comprehend. -U.S does not need a war with pakistan, heres why. they have a lot of resources tied up in Iraq and Afghanistan incase you haven't noticed...
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    Pakistan president tells US to stay out

    the last thing the U.S needs is a war with pakistan, iran is enough trouble as it is, and should **** hit the fan, id guess that theyd be the first ones to receive a pakistani nuke.
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    The threat to Pakistan's nuclear stability

    ps. there's some dude on here with a nazi awatar....how is that allowed?
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    The threat to Pakistan's nuclear stability

    i wasn't completely off topic, a little maybe, but all these aspects are interconnected don't you think? if the current situation (i.e like the attack this morning) continues for say a couple years, or maybe even a year a lot of people are going to get disillusioned if you know what I mean...
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    The threat to Pakistan's nuclear stability

    I wouldn't be so sure people, current american presidential candidates seem quite willing to 'secure' pakistan's nukes if the need arises. to the guys who claim pakistan will defend its nukes till the last breath and what not, explain pakistans role in the war against terror. a war for which...
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