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  1. Indiashining

    Ready to do anything to ensure stability in Pakistan: Sri Lanka

    Come on, the country that did the most is silent and you are taking credit for it?
  2. Indiashining

    China´s massacre in Spratly islands

    lol, standing in a row to get massacred.!
  3. Indiashining

    India uses UN report on Sri Lanka to assert its interests

    You did not understand me...... Every body knows the truth.India is not going to do any thing. India is one of the countries that supported all this. Do you really expect Sanctions? All these trips of Diplomats to Colombo has been happening for a long time. Do not expect too much. [B]I was...
  4. Indiashining

    India uses UN report on Sri Lanka to assert its interests

    You are correct. India will not take any action against Sri Lanka, definitely not Sanctions. India actively supported SriLanka int the war against the LTTE. India also knew about the Civilian casualties very well even then. Good that LTTE is destroyed. I don't know why a lot of Indian...
  5. Indiashining

    67+ Active Separatist Movements in Different States of India

    That is exactly what I too said. But some seem to misinterpret me.
  6. Indiashining

    67+ Active Separatist Movements in Different States of India

    What makes you think so? You see any IP?
  7. Indiashining

    67+ Active Separatist Movements in Different States of India

    BARC does not belong to Maharashtra, it belongs to all of India. So what will be left is a puny arsenal.
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