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  1. evilamerican

    Ukraine officials pleading with US to provide military aid, lawmaker says

    In Ukraine's case I don't think that would be wise. A lot of there soviet era crap is still produced there. The US and NATO shouldn't give away crap. sell it maybe.
  2. evilamerican

    Ukraine officials pleading with US to provide military aid, lawmaker says

    There is no way that the US should supply any weapon to Ukraine! The performance of the Ukrainian military has been spotty at best and in most cases they seem to have no desire to put up any kind of resistance. Further more Ukraine is in the situation there in militarily, Because of corruption...
  3. evilamerican

    F-16 at Bagram Air Force Base

    "Military history, when superficially studied, will furnish arguments in support of any theory." -Bronsart von Schellendorf,
  4. evilamerican

    F-16 at Bagram Air Force Base

    Are you trying to make a point? Just curious. Not to offend you but have you ever served in Combat? And if you haven't its in poor taste to make statements about something you know nothing about.
  5. evilamerican

    F-16 at Bagram Air Force Base

    There will always be friendly fire accidents in War time. The fog of War tends to create confusion! As one who has been in combat several times I can attest to this. In desert storm I witnessed first hand a friendly fire incident involving one of our tanks and a FistV. The outcome wasn't pretty...
  6. evilamerican

    F-16 at Bagram Air Force Base

    Since when did you guys ever consider us friends?......LOL
  7. evilamerican

    Iran: A "Role Model" For Pakistan To Get Self-Reliance in Defence

    While its admirable that Pakistan want's to be more independent in there defense products. Frankly why compaire yourself to Iran. Pakistans military is 100% more modern than Irans. Iran remanufactures obsolete soviet T-55's and M-47's and uses vismods to make them appear to be some ubber modern...
  8. evilamerican

    Afghanistan opens first ever train route

    All Terrorists tend to think alike. would you not agree?
  9. evilamerican

    US prepares military package for UAE against Iran

    Pass the Kool Aid.......Are you kidding Irans Military is a joke.
  10. evilamerican

    India becomes third biggest US arms purchaser

    Outstanding news. While I have no hate for your country or people. I do think that both of our goverments haven't acted in the best interests of the people.
  11. evilamerican

    India becomes third biggest US arms purchaser

    You sound like some jaded high school girl who was dumped by her boyfriend. Grow up Pakistan has brought all this upon herself.
  12. evilamerican

    India becomes third biggest US arms purchaser

    If Pakistan wouldn't stab us in the back and play both sides of the fence they would get there spare parts. So don't complain when your cut off for doing the deeds that you do.....
  13. evilamerican

    F-35B Makes First Vertical Landing at Sea

    Great news glad to see things starting to come along on this project has been along time coming....
  14. evilamerican

    NATO jets violated Pakistan’s airspace!!!!

    Do you really believe most Pakistani's think that we are there allies?:usflag::usflag:
  15. evilamerican

    India Accepts Pakistan Air Force is a Leading Force

    LOL! What flavor Kool-Aid are you drinking my friend? Statments like this really show how Ignorant of facts you are....
  16. evilamerican

    Pakistan Navy P-3C Orion Thread

    LOL! once again you prove my point with your comment about a cancelled tv show that was little watched and proven to have been staged and made up. If my friend you base your opinions on a culture by watch you learn from TV that speaks pretty poor of the state of the world today. Does some...
  17. evilamerican

    JF-17 cancelled for Paris air show.

    Sorry to hear this. I have been watching the development of this aircraft and was looking forward to seeing it.
  18. evilamerican

    Pakistan Navy P-3C Orion Thread

    LOL! Yes and were surprised you have internet service in your mudhut. Jezz its comments such as this that shows how ignorant you are of the culture in the United States.
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