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  1. B-52

    what action should be taken against Pasha and Kiyani?

    Instead of worring about your sovereignty, the question to ask is why was Osama living in a town next to a military academy undetected. Pakistan should stop supporting scum like Osama and it's up to the PA and the ISI to drive the extremist out of the country. Things will get worse if Pakistan...
  2. B-52

    US Drone strikes in Pakistan are illegal under international law.

    At least you won't have to worry about drone attacks. Pakistan would be incinerated if they launched an ICBM at the USA or it's ally's.
  3. B-52

    If you can't find someone, just say you killed and threw them in the ocean

    Why take Osama alive? If the Navy Seals brought Osama back alive, the extremists would of started taking hostages and start executing people unless Osama was released...No thank you, killing him was the best thing to do.
  4. B-52

    what action should be taken against Pasha and Kiyani?

    It would of been a disaster for the PAF to interfere with the operation. We had enough assets in the area to neutralize any threat posed by the PAF. The mission was very well planed and executed. We are not ashamed by our actions and may very well do it again if need arises. When you support...
  5. B-52

    what action should be taken against Pasha and Kiyani?

    I don't think the generals are to blame unless they gave Osama safe haven. You can't blame the generals because we entered the country to kill Osama. We have stealth aircraft that would not be picked up by radar. Give the generals a break!
  6. B-52

    Was OBL's sea burial permissible?

    If it were my decision I would of had Osama cremated and his ashes flushed down the toilet. Osama didn't deserve a decent burial.
  7. B-52

    Abbottabad protests against Osama killing

    Obviously those protesters support terrorism. When our Navy Seals eliminated Osama there was celebrations all across America. Not one Pakistani flag was burned and nobody shouted down with Pakistan. It's time to re-evaluate our relationship with Pakistan.
  8. B-52

    Pakistan warns US "disastrous consequences" on more raids

    There is no reason to stop the raids. We made it very clear that we will go after the terrorist wherever they hide. If Pakistan has a problem with it they should file a complaint with the UN.
  9. B-52

    Does anobody here actually belive OBL is dead?

    There is no doubt in my mind that Osama is dead. It was confirmed by his wife(s). What better proof than that?
  10. B-52

    US Drone strikes in Pakistan are illegal under international law.

    General Kayani stated he would not tolerate the violation of sovereignty of Pakistan any longer. The drone strikes continue. Kayani is either a fool or is really incompetent. We know Kayani and ISI was providing a safe haven to Osama. The proof is in the documents that were retrieved from...
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