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  1. Shastra

    Thar coal mining project in Pakistan | Updates & Discussions.

    Thar Coal: Myths and Realities Spending resources on coal alone a folly: study Exploiting coal reserves in Thar would squeeze the national exchequer as the coal present in the region is a low-quality type and would require significant resources. Minimum cost of electricity generation...
  2. Shastra

    India selects EF, Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

    'Life of the IAF pilot is more important than ties' - Rediff.com News
  3. Shastra

    India selects EF, Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

    They were 11/6...
  4. Shastra

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    India selects EF, Rafale for MMRCA shortlist I hope this news is authentic...
  5. Shastra

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    "4: The number of defence journalists who claimed to have a copy of the RFP on the day it was released. 0: The number of defence journalists who actually had a copy of the RFP on the day it was released." LOL....
  6. Shastra

    Delhi Airport Metro line opens!

    Congrats Delhi...hopefully Pune will get one soon
  7. Shastra

    Delhi Airport Metro line opens!

    Thnx...Yes Mumbai too will have Metro soon. It is under construction Mumbai Metro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  8. Shastra

    Delhi Airport Metro line opens!

    More Metro's definitely..you are just looking at the investment gone into the infrastructure. If you see the time saved in travel, saved fuel, less traffic congestion, safety, low travel expenses etc will help to boost Delhi's productivity & savings thus benefiting the city in longer run. On the...
  9. Shastra

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Mig-35 has the least presence in the competition
  10. Shastra

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    good point...but relying on a single vendor might not be such a good idea
  11. Shastra

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    US aerospace major Boeing is anticipating Indian defence orders worth $14 billion, with a company official saying its hands are "pretty full" with orders for fighters and choppers for the air force and reconnaissance planes for the navy. Boeing has hands full with Indian defence deals of $14...
  12. Shastra

    F-18 stealthier can we make JF-17 like this

    let jf-17 mature first
  13. Shastra

    Swiss Air Force F/A-18 Hornet

    F-18 SH is heavy stuff...lethal
  14. Shastra

    Allow Pakistan players back into IPL: Afridi

    Valid point
  15. Shastra

    Operation Chanakya

    This is waste of time
  16. Shastra

    Asoka Chakra, Chanakya and RAW

    Waste of time
  17. Shastra

    Allow Pakistan players back into IPL: Afridi

    Pakistan players should be allowed in IPL.... it will bring 'talent variety' to the game ---------- Post added at 05:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:03 PM ---------- Admins please close this thread before it turns into a troll bag
  18. Shastra

    Indian Navy News & Discussions

    Private participation in defence will boost R&D
  19. Shastra

    Indian Navy News & Discussions

    True. I hope to see major indigenous technologies in operation by 2015
  20. Shastra

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    I hope SAAB GRIPEN wins the tender..it might not be at par with its twin engined competitors but it certainly fits the bill (financially & technically)
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