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  1. bronx

    PLA would lose 40% of its fleet to sink a US carrier

    We are looking at modern warfare – it includes a whole myriad of variables viewed from a holistic vantage. It is not based on numbers . The USSR was the 2nd largest nuclear + conventional superpower in the 20th century . It was "defeated" without a single shot . Yeah, some Navy has 11...
  2. bronx

    Africa surpasses India in wealth per person - Credit Suisse Wealth Report

    Size is irrelevant to a large extent , it is How /What is done that is more important . One could invariably do a comparision between : India vs Hong Kong , India vs Singapore , OR India vs Taiwan. . All the latter countries are far far smaller than India and with ZERO natural resources...
  3. bronx

    Africa surpasses India in wealth per person - Credit Suisse Wealth Report

    To recap , According to Credit Suisse Report 2013 : Africa Wealth per adult is USD$4929 vs Indian wealth per adult is USD$4706 China is obviously in a different league at wealth per adult is USD$22,230 Well done for Africa. They have already surpassed India .:yahoo: PS- Any...
  4. bronx

    Africa surpasses India in wealth per person - Credit Suisse Wealth Report

    +1 I am also waiting to see that great Indian Palace of that RAAF guy who studies in a great University that is a billionaire in his 20s :)
  5. bronx

    China's Blitzkrieg on U.S. Carrier

    Why would the PLA engage in a physical war in Iraq ? They have heaps of other option(s) , given China considerable financial resources available . Just Buy Iraq out (directly or indirectly) ,e.g set up State owned Joint ventures entities with Iraq and reap the rewards OR Have a...
  6. bronx

    China's Blitzkrieg on U.S. Carrier

    hmm...interesting reading . Thanks for this. So at least the USN has some experience against this threat , while the PLAN does not have . I wonder who will be the 1st opponent to test the PLAN out ? Perhaps Phillipines ?
  7. bronx

    China's Blitzkrieg on U.S. Carrier

    One could ask the same : 1) What kind of experience does the USN have regarding air defence against multiple cruise missles ? 2) What kind of experience does the USN have regarding air defence against multiple ASBM missles ? 3) What sort of experience does the USN have regarding...
  8. bronx

    Norway blocking China's access to Arctic

    This is incorrect . The highest number of migrants to the USA are the Mexicans & the Filipinos Mexican Immigrants in the United States, 2008 - Pew Research Center China is now a big boy . I don't think China should or would use its naval might to threathen the Nodic countries.. Surely...
  9. bronx

    U.S. goal is to end Afghan combat mission in 2013

    I think the USA wants a stable Afghanistan , which is good for that region. Also I see more positive observations & comments made by several of their Senators, congressman etc recently ..so hopefully the USA as a nation can control their over-spending and improve the lives of ordinary...
  10. bronx

    Deciphering China's Numbers: Exchange Rate and Hot Money

    Live in a 3rd world country. Great Idea . But which city ? So many to choose from... Los Angeles , Detroit , Vallejo ? Robert Herbold: China vs. America: Which Is the Developing Country? - WSJ.com http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/06/magazine/06Muni-t.html?_r=2&partner=rss&emc=rss...
  11. bronx

    The US dollar will be easy to collapse

    This is absolutely INCORRECT . China's ACTUAL holding of US Treasuries as of Nov 2011 is just slightly more than 1.134 Trillion , or about 30% of their total reserves. (According to US Treasury data ) This is a relatively small amount...
  12. bronx

    The US dollar will be easy to collapse

    =================== Real Strengths ? Huh ? Definitely 15 to 20 years ago, Maybe 5 to 10 years ago , but Certainly Not today . Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. The world is changing...fast . The reality as we approach 2012 : 1) According to the US...
  13. bronx

    China’s Spies Are Catching Up

    Steve Jobs: "Good artists copy, But great artists steal ! " Steve Jobs: Good artists copy great artists steal - YouTube
  14. bronx

    Chinese carrier spotted by satellite.

    According to the US Census Bureau ,today , 1 in 2 persons in America is already living at Poverty or Near Poverty levels . That is a whopping 50% of the American population living a life of shambles , starvation , and utter desperation . A revolution in the making in USA ? Possibly a...
  15. bronx

    Chinese General: US should explain 2500 marines in Australia

    You must be on some serious pills . A whopping 45% of Aussies want the yanks out of Australia , while 59% wants to terminate the alliance with the Yanks in Afghanistan. Enough is enough they say.... 2011 Lowy Institute Poll
  16. bronx

    Arrogance of China

    Then the BBC must be lying , how dare they ...LOL ...:bounce: But no worries , soon USA may well surpass India in the poverty level , with nearly 40% of the Yanks living at poverty levels now . BBC News - 'More poor' in India than Africa 13 July 2010 Last updated at 05:18 GMT...
  17. bronx

    China Might Have Over-Reached Itself

    If the USA were to repay all its debt (e.g US$1 Trillion) to China , and assuming SAFE (the institution, not adjective) adds the same amount to its global reserves , China will hold about $5 Trillion . The pressure for the CNY to appreciate will be overwhelming , and is likely to indeed...
  18. bronx

    China Might Have Over-Reached Itself

    You must be on "joking" ..EC101 seems to be off. If the USA were to actually repay the $1 Trillion dollars debt to China , all China needs to do is to allow its CNY to appreciate ; lets assume they allow it to appreciate by 500% . Overnight , the price of imported goods in China becomes...
  19. bronx

    America will Collapse

    Sure . They spend the most based on borrowed money . Once they have no financing , they are bankrupt . Would you sell products to a bankrupt entity forever ?? Sure . Google , Microsft , Lockheed etc hires thousands of talented and intelligent individuals. Heard of mobility of labour ...
  20. bronx

    If the US defaults on its debts on August 2

    The Argentina today , is a far cry from theArgentina in the 90s. It is akin to comparing apples to ...rotten apples. Zimbabwe defaulted on their currency obligation and experienced runnaway inflation . Zimbabwe is also still around. China's Total reserves is US$3.xx Trillion , Euro$4.xx...
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