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  1. D

    The first J20 plane taxiing cell phone video high-speed!

    j8, j10, j20 next j30 j40 j50...... how does it matter.......:rofl::rofl: anything close to performance of basic flanker will take at least another 15 years... Chinese PLA secrecy is very selective and arbitrary and opportunistic...:rofl: leaks at the right time to correct bruised egos...
  2. D

    The first J20 plane taxiing cell phone video high-speed!

    stop delusional attitude and faking it to satisfy ur egos... China is no where close to a 5th gen plane till 2035 at least.... first compare to a flanker in 15 years at least... where u make it completely without copying...then dream about f-22 at least not before 2035... be realistic. u know...
  3. D

    The first J20 plane taxiing cell phone video high-speed!

    FGFA is the PAKFA. Go check on google. and for ur fake plane yes how can we assume it is really 5th gen. just because the chinese want to fake it .... notice how quickly they come out with anything that India does... they start later but drop out of sky and then they claim we started earlier and...
  4. D

    The first J20 plane taxiing cell phone video high-speed!

    thats the reality...whwnever India does something.. the Chinese secret media comes into picture and starts to act superior... all secrecy of pla is gone at that point....coz they have to act superior and act like yes we can also do....!! :rofl: its just fake news being let out deliberately...
  5. D

    The first J20 plane taxiing cell phone video high-speed!

    joke of century..:rofl: i know chinese ego is hurt badly by FGFA developments so they must fake something to protect its inflated ego... notice everytime someone from India does soemthing next we hear China coming out with fake and secret sources look we also doing it...:rofl:
  6. D

    The first J20 plane taxiing cell phone video high-speed!

    J20 is a joke. China cannot even make a plane as good as a flanker for another 15 years without outside support. its just eye wash to inflate their self-ego. anyways what happened to the chinese secrecy..??? :rofl: feeling the heat of Indian FGFA so acting superior. all know what china is...
  7. D

    The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

    love to see the chinese insecurity on this forum.. they really fear India as it is rising ...:smitten:
  8. D

    China ramps up pressure over Kashmir

    yes China is so ahead that it is not even living on Earth.:hitwall: poor iq cant even see that India is the second most developing country in the world and is soon going to overtake China in this decade itself in rate of growth. When u cant see the obvious it means u have ur head in the sand...
  9. D

    China ramps up pressure over Kashmir

    high iq..!! which other country supports you on ur claim or Taiwan or Akshai..?? you can beat ur own dums with Pak but no one from outside supports you. hope it gets through very high iq people the chinese..:azn: so what ..?? it means we have disputes with ONLY two countries... count your...
  10. D

    The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

    sensible threads will be appreciated... what should u discuss when the thread starter is posting nonsense at the beginning itself and it is clear that it is going to invite useless discussions and flames... enjoy the new year fun.
  11. D

    The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

    :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::smitten: funny thread by the chinese..though useless.. happy new year :)
  12. D

    ISRO's GSAT-5P launch fails

    India is making efforts to make its own gslv.. next year there will be another test.. India has the plan..you do not know about it i guess.
  13. D

    songs for life...

    hi... just post ur favourite songs.... which u feel everyone will like... i have put one below.. YouTube - Alizee - J'en Ai Marre (Live, Sexy & with Lyrics)
  14. D

    ISRO's GSAT-5P launch fails

    you are also making the same mistake... CNSA might have done good work.. but there is no mistake in that ISRO has acheivements in its own journey.. and we dont need to compare ISRO to ur CNSA as we are doind good in our own progress... u can do whatever u want in CNSA..:cheers:
  15. D

    GSAT-5P launch fails, satellite vehicle explodes mid-air

    “I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks.” :)
  16. D

    ISRO's GSAT-5P launch fails

    "behind every successful man there are a thousand failures." "There is no failure. Only feedback " "Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail" and last, You always pass failure on your way to success..!! this is what humanity has learnt since...
  17. D

    GSAT-5P launch fails, satellite vehicle explodes mid-air

    "behind every successful man there are a thousand failures." "There is no failure. Only feedback " "Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail" and last, You always pass failure on your way to success..!! this is what humanity has learnt since...
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