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  1. B

    Govt to back setting up a microchip facility in India

    Finally! Good news indeed! I hope this will become a stepping stone towards greater things. In the 21st century the ability to design and manufacture microchips is absolutely crucial for every sphere of the country's development.
  2. B

    Wikileaks: India’s Muslim population largely unattracted to extremism

    lol...honestly with near-daily terror attack in Pakistan we're discussing nearly non-existent Hindu terrorism. I'm really starting to enjoy this website :D
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    Pak rejects B'desh's demand for apology over army's wrongdoings in 1971 war

    ^Looks like Ali-Zakir is very proud that the Hindus were getting bullets in the head ;) Looks like a nice candidate for Jehad :D
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    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    wtf..we practically invented the toilet. Indoor toilets have nothing to do with being "western" ;) Just a consequence of urbanization and income levels.
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    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    lol...why need foreign invader when your own government is the slave-owner? Does it matter if the guy on top has yellow skin or white skin? :D
  6. B

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    Meh. A few decades ago China was doing "worse" than India. These things keep on changing, nothing new. Civilization is built over thousands of years, not a few decades. All these "expert" predictions usually turn out to be Bullshit. Nobody can predict the future, nobody has been able to do it...
  7. B

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    Ah, so capitalism has always existed? Then what's Chinese about it? lol Just admit it. Like most Chinese-made products, China is a clone of the west. :D But oh, the pretense, and the valiant efforts to brand everything "Chinese" :disagree: "Chinese characteristics" :lol:
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    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    Yeah, those "Chinese Characteristics" are nothing but good ol' western-style factory capitalism. Nothing remotely Chinese about it. ;) Language-schmanguage. In a couple of years we'll have instant language translation. What matters is ideas, and there is nothing remotely Chinese about the idea...
  9. B

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    I wonder why Nobel Peace Prize Winner Liu Xiaobo said that China needed to be colonized for another 300 years. China is already colonized, by people who look Chinese but act Western :D
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    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    CCP's only motive is profit. They like to promote Chinese jingoism in order to mask the fact that China is no longer China but just a giant manufacturing corporation with no overseeing body :rofl: No sense of history, culture, architecture or ethics. Just a single point plan - Perpetuate the...
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    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    Says who? Indians freely speak their native languages :). English is lingua franca so of course it is advantageous to speak English as well. But we were colonized, fair enough. Your government did to you what the colonialists did to us. Is it really your government or the proxy of the west? ;)...
  12. B

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    Actually, China is still a colony of the west, and don't even realize it because the face that rules them looks Chinese. Think about it - Western Communism, Western-style governing institutions, Western style clothes, western architecture, western economic model. China is gone, dead. This is...
  13. B

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    Oh no, please disclose Chinese strategy here. How many nukes will be given to Maoists again? :D I'm loving this.
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    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    Like China copy/pasted Western Communism and Factory-driven Capitalism gpit :D? Chinese government tried to "Modernize" China by killing millions and destroying Chinese heritage and culture. Remember that?
  15. B

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    Ah, can't blame 'em. Who wouldn't love to club a Hindoo 'round the head eh? Let 'em have their fun :D Leave the 20 and 50 year predictions to the jobless pundits. We can't even predict what will happen next year, forget 50 years down the line. This forum is obviously chock-full of Sino-lickers...
  16. B

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    Good lord. This is a total India-China-Pak three way troll wankfest :D No moderators on this forum? lol
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    Motivations behind selecting the name 'India' in 1947

    There we go. Some dude has already cleared up the confusion on Page 1. Looks like people don't want to see the obvious ;)
  18. B

    Motivations behind selecting the name 'India' in 1947

    ^Dude are you daft? What about when the Greeks (and the rest of the world) discovered the REST OF INDIA? :lol: I suppose you'll now say that the grain of sand which the first Greek explorer saw was called "India" and nothing more than that :D
  19. B

    Islamic Monuments in India - Whose Legacy?

    Wrong thread buddy :D. The name "India" was not some political choice. It was the inheritance of history.
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    Motivations behind selecting the name 'India' in 1947

    Obviously there's a lot of "foreign" mixing and matching over the centuries in Pak Punjab and Sindh but really that's besides the point. Most of these guys are stuck between trying their hardest to become Arabs but at the same time having to somehow dissociate their pre-Islamic history from...
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