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  1. Trampler

    Pakistan Is Not A Failed State

    State as in refering to a nation.:tongue:, try your best to fit us in that list :chilli: India is headed by an able economist, Mr Manmohan Singh.:angel: His efficiency as an economist needs no links to substantiate.:cool:
  2. Trampler

    Pak-US divers recover valuable Pak Navy asset from seabed

    Some precious thing of yours must have been put down there by ur BEST neighbour in 1971;):devil:
  3. Trampler

    A day after Varanasi blast, Hindus and Muslims show united face

    You guys just cannot get the hang of it right? It's high time people understand India doesnt identify with any one religion. People of all religions in India can claim equal rights on it, irrespective of the majority/minority of their religion.
  4. Trampler

    Indians with help of BSF loot paddy harvest from inside Bangladesh

    I was refering to the various loans/schemes/trade partnerships etc...:hitwall: Regarding poverty in India...no denying that fact, and we are doing what needs to done. An action plan is being drawn. The rest of your post, your views, your ideologies and your view of India....have a...
  5. Trampler

    Indians with help of BSF loot paddy harvest from inside Bangladesh

    @ all ranting Bangali bandhus There is a popular saying, "If you want to be recognised, be a LEADER or be WITH the LEADER". The only way Bangladesh can improve its economy and political clout is by holding the little finger of India, else there's a standing example and a mirror on the...
  6. Trampler

    Diplomats warn of India-Pakistan nuclear exchange: WikiLeaks

    This might just be propoganda by the West to sell more weapons and missile shield systems. :argh:
  7. Trampler

    Indians with help of BSF loot paddy harvest from inside Bangladesh

    And now you are taking sides of/with the people who tied your hands at the back and pushed you into rivers and raped your women. All this to avenge the SO-CALLED looting?!!:undecided::disagree:
  8. Trampler

    PAK-FA : photos and videos

    You just have to change the colour of this "Enemy's nightmare" and then see for yourself:devil:
  9. Trampler

    Pakistan violated Indian air space 23 times in 3 years

    .....n y weren't they shot down all 23 times:what:? it would have been a receipt/token and an official confirmation too:devil:
  10. Trampler

    Indians with help of BSF loot paddy harvest from inside Bangladesh

    And u guys not only go ga-ga over our songs but also dance to them:smokin::devil: 'Munni Badnaam Hui' becomes a craze in Pakistan - National India Headlines | Examiner.com Munnis in Pakistan miffed with 'badnaam hui' tag Pak cops force women to perform 'Munni' - The Times of India
  11. Trampler

    Indian Robot Army Revealed - India's Next Gen Soldiers

    1. Indeed mate, so true. 2. Neighbour's envy, Owner's pride:chilli: You can select any of the two as per the state of your mind/heart/soul for your solace, after seeing that video;):smokin:
  12. Trampler

    Indians with help of BSF loot paddy harvest from inside Bangladesh

    Well then why didnt you guys go knocking at the doors of the world bank? if you even had a slim chance of getting such a huge loan at lower interest rate? It's but obvious you couldn't, moreover you were not compelled to sign the deal, it's a win-win situation for both. I'm sure u do have...
  13. Trampler

    Be prepared to take a lead in Global economy,India:IMF

    Is it incentives based? Loan waivers n stuff.:P I'm desperate to see ourselves among G8/9:smokin:
  14. Trampler

    Twin blasts in Mohmand leave 40 dead

    Hence the saying, u will reap what u sow. "RIP" from the bottom of my heart.
  15. Trampler

    Maoists demand mosque at Babri site

    @Topic Maoists too getting into vote bank politics?:undecided:
  16. Trampler

    How to counter nuclear weapons ?

    .......and we plan to take back the so called "azad kashmir".:azn::devil: *End of lease period u see*:)
  17. Trampler

    India Fears Pakistan, Shame

    Very few people can read between lines (here). U did it.;)
  18. Trampler

    India Fears Pakistan, Shame

    Do they still make MEN like u in Pakistan?:D :cheers:
  19. Trampler

    India Fears Pakistan, Shame

    Contradictory. Bring up the sane side of urs plz.
  20. Trampler

    Indians with help of BSF loot paddy harvest from inside Bangladesh

    @Thread starter/ all bangali badhus of this forum (nurturing hatred against us Indians) Act of a bunch of people can neither be perceived as the act of a nation nor can be inferred as the act of a Govt. Do u forget the loans/aids which u get from India? Bangladesh signs...
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