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    Ahmadis in Pakistan

    Did I say something factually incorrect? Do Hindus not worship animals and plants? In Hinduism anybody can declare themselves God or messenger of God at any time and people worship him. Is that no true? Are there not several of these "living gods" in India who are worshiped by millions of...
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    33 years since Zia came to power

    Zia saved this country from total annihilation. You should be thanking him not abusing him. At that time in 1978 the civilian morons were rigging elections and murdering each other in public, the country was dissolving into chaos and abyss. Without his stern measures there would be no...
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    Ahmadis in Pakistan

    I am not convinced by the arguments here. I can only come to the conclusion that those who are open to calling Ahmedis as muslims do not care about the future of Islam. They are willing to sacrifice Islam for the cause of some wishy-washy "multicultural" society (the kind of nonsense that we...
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    Can an Islamic State be Secular?

    Jinnah was only one of the people involved in the creation of Pakistan. He was simply the vehicle through which the larger purpose was to be served.
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    Ahmadis in Pakistan

    So are you okay to live in Pakistan/Islamic world where parents teach their children all sort of Haraam and Shirk in the name of Islam? Does the state have no moral responsibility to provide the right guidance and the right path to future generations? I don't understand how you can justify this.
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    Can an Islamic State be Secular?

    Bombing and violence is only a symptom of the disease. We have to go the root of the problem to solve it.
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    Ahmadis in Pakistan

    The present problems are caused because our government is confused and so our people are confused. Who are we? Are we democratic? Islamic? Are we independent or are we in the pockets of USA? What our are borders? Everything is confusion and nothing is clear. We need clear leadership that will...
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    Can an Islamic State be Secular?

    Pakistan was founded in the name of Islam. Why are we debating this? This is the reason we became a country. To separate ourselves from the Hindus and establish proper Islamic country. If we cannot protect Islam from dissipation then what is the purpose?
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    Ahmadis in Pakistan

    We should be clear who is Muslim and who is not. Otherwise our future generations will dissipate and no longer function together.
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    Ahmadis in Pakistan

    Exactly. So if these Ahmedis identify themselves separately, the problem will be solved.
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    Ahmadis in Pakistan

    Then what about Christian, Jews and Hindus then? Should we call them muslims also to prevent "social abuse"?
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    Can an Islamic State be Secular?

    All this bombing and s*** its going on because Pakistan is trying to run away from Islam. Islam is our past, present and future. Trying to copy the west and hindus has only led to trouble and division. The day we have pure Islamic society, Pakistan will be peaceful and prosperous.
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    Ahmadis in Pakistan

    I am a peaceful person, but I cannot understand why some people want to go against Quran and preach whatever they want. This Ahmed chap (founder of Ahmediyya) also claimed that he was a form of Hindu god Krishna. Tomorrow anybody can claim anything they want and call themselves muslim. Line...
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    Ahmadis in Pakistan

    Look I don't care what government says but I know what Quran says. Quran makes it clear who is muslim and who is not. Then were is the debate? Why are these people calling themselves muslim if they do not follow the Quran?
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    Tata truck plant near Dhaka

    By the amount of fighting one would think that India is invading bangladesh haha
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    Ahmadis in Pakistan

    Ahmadis should be allowed to live in peace, but they should once and for all declare that they are non-muslims. If they keep claiming to be muslims then there will be tension.
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    Tata truck plant near Dhaka

    Why so much fighting over a truck plant?
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    Ahmadis in Pakistan

    Ahmedis always had problems, ever since the movement was founded in the 19th century. You cannot have new prophets in Islam according to ones whims and fancies. It is not acceptable.
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    Vengeful new militant group emerges in Pakistan

    Militant groups active, gathering finances in Punjab KARACHI: At least 17 extremist and banned groups in Punjab are collecting money during religious and other ceremonies in the name of public welfare, a BBCUrdu report quoted intelligence agencies as saying. These organisations are using...
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    Vengeful new militant group emerges in Pakistan

    YouTube - Pakistani authorities believe new militant group Ghazi Force now at large in Islamabad!
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