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  1. COPE2

    Exposing Racism Against Chinese by Western Expats

    or he could be a ned, cybercom troll
  2. COPE2

    Exposing Racism Against Chinese by Western Expats

    i agree with demolishing western style buildings (churches included), regardless of when they were built, but it doesnt seem likely to happen ever since deng liberated the economy. i;ll go one step further and boot out all the mcdonalds, kfc, starbucks, bmw, apple, dell, bbc, cnn, benz...
  3. COPE2

    Taiwan Missile Can Reach Beijing: Report

    maybe China should unite with Myanmar, North Korea, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka as one country, and dump hk and tw. let them swim in the ces pools of capitalism, imperialism, gwailo worship, and self pity, while they circle jerk with south korea, japan, usa, and singapore.
  4. COPE2

    China urges international community not to interfere in Sri Lanka

    China also urged intl community not to interfere with Libya
  5. COPE2

    Exposing Racism Against Chinese by Western Expats

    americans, and other gwailos are not smart enough to build a country without colonisation. or maybe gwailos are just too lazy to do anything themselves and feel the need to steal, rob, cheat, and enslave. it's really funny how white americans accuse black americans of being lazy, when it was the...
  6. COPE2

    Exposing Racism Against Chinese by Western Expats

    what you talking about idiot? "they" hate anyone who disallows multinational corporations to privatise their industries. "they" hate north korea, but not south. why? because the south bends over backwards and allows multinational corporations to bang them in the baty. the north does not. Chinese...
  7. COPE2

    Exposing Racism Against Chinese by Western Expats

    i dont think westerners need to be exposed for their racism. theyve been pretty openly racist everywhere they go for the past 300yrs. in fact, id be a bit surprised to see a non racist westerner. everytime i see a westerner in China, i suspect he is up to no good, whether he is working for cia...
  8. COPE2

    What did PK do to protect itself?

    The warning signs were there. Before Obama ran for president, he announced publicly he was going to attack PK. Mccain announced the U.S. was going to attack Syria on live television. Now the truth is unfolding. All the warning signs were there. What provisions did PK take? How did PK prepare for...
  9. COPE2

    China's new Weapons

    america is an opponent of anyone who doesnt bow down to its imperialist ways. take libya for example. theyve comited no crime, but were attacked because it refused to join africom, privatise its banking and oil industries. China doesn't oppose america. in fact, it is very passive when it comes...
  10. COPE2

    Police: Cab Driver Stabbed By Passenger Who Asked "Are You Muslim?"

    you know its funny that guy who put a bomb in a car in times square did not blow anyone up but will probably do life. wouldnt matter what happens in court. this fat white boy tries to murder a muslim cabbie and theyre talking about it. at least he has a chance. Faisal Shahzad never stood a...
  11. COPE2

    China deploys 11,000 troops in Gilgit area in Occupied Kashmir

    In a quiet move, China has deployed about 11,000 troops in the strategic Gilgit-Baltistan region in the Occupied Kashmir to take de-facto control of the key area, where a rebellion is simmering against the Pakistani rule. The New York Times said that there were two important new...
  12. COPE2

    Details emerge of Chinese J-11B heavy air superiority fighter

    copyrights, and ipr are extreme capitalist ideas, and China is a socialist country, so you can take the ipr and shove it up your baty. foreign laws do NOT apply in China. deal with it.
  13. COPE2

    China should learn from 'guru' India

    usa is also a good example of how to fack up an economy
  14. COPE2

    50 cents party

    how exactly do you join the 50 cents party? are there other ways to get involve with anti terorist activity, chinese security/police in china? let me just make clear, by terorist, im not talking about muslims, but western, cia style terorism. i think that china has alot of enemies from the west...
  15. COPE2

    Google's Last Hope In China Is 2012

    google is always up to no good. news just broke a few days ago about the google hacking from china was not state sponsored. another reason why google, u.s. companies, and the u.s. govt should not be trusted. to see more, check this out Why You Shouldnt Trust Google
  16. COPE2

    US biggest ‘threat’ to China, says top Chinese military expert

    i agree that the u.s. is the biggest threat to china and the world. if the world wants peace, stability and an end to cia terorism, then they need to prop china up. this also goes for india. i know that indians have a problem with china, but you best put your differences aside for now to get rid...
  17. COPE2

    Why would China fight India?

    china, india, and pakistan cant afford to fight. the real, and most dangerous enemy is the west. we've seen what the west has done and is capable of. a large amount of their wealth is accumulated through the destruction and sabatoge of others. let's wake up.
  18. COPE2

    dalai exposed- who is the dalai?

    so if we open the western newspaper, all we see is that the dalai is peaceful and wants to represent the tibetan people. well it turns out that is far from the truth. if we look past the western propaganda, we find out that the dalai is in fact working for the cia. if you dont know about the...
  19. COPE2

    China Tells Defense Secretary Gates: Don't Visit

    i think that the humiliation that china gives to usa is nothing compared to what usa gives to china especially in regards to human rights, google attacks, tibet, taiwan, etc. american foreign policy is bent on sabatoge. to me it just makes no sense for a country like usa to talk about human...
  20. COPE2

    China Tells Defense Secretary Gates: Don't Visit

    just tell that to sadam husein, osama bin laden, and manuel noriega
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