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  1. P

    The War You Dont See! Documentary Flim by John Pilger (Must Watch)

    Everyone should watch this documentary!!!
  2. P

    India, China well on the path to strengthening ties: Yan

    They have to tie together. Because both are realizing without tie they cannot develop. But Pakistan President is ready to sacrifice everything for his KURSI.
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    Historical Background of Pakistan and its People

    Pakistan has great history! but our politician, establishment and ourselves giving bad name to Pakistan. May Allah Forgive us and show us right path
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    Official: ISI Fan Club

    I am fan of ISI because of two reason, 1. I'm Pakistani :D 2. Because Indian blame for everything bad happen to him wiithout 0 sec delay :D
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    Musharraf Ki Yaad AAyi Us Kay Janay Kay Baad

    If Mushi has done some good work, then he's also done alot mistakes. But we cann't say our current leaders are more good than him except Imran
  6. P

    India creating problems in anti-terror war:Pakistan's Ambassador to Afghanistan Sadiq

    Hypocrite indian leaders lose no chance to blame Pakistan. I dont know why our leader hesitate to speak the truth. Indian is creating alot of problem in Pakistan
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