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  1. S

    Amir sahib's marriage in trouble

    I was parked outside his apartment complex (in front of Dolmen mall clifton in karachi) waiting for a friend and somehow met his driver.Guy proceeded to reveal all of his bosses kartoots over a smoke. The typical charsi, sharabi, fuxing whores all day and making some extreme requests from them.
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    Bilawal Bhutto Thanks Nawaz Sharif For Delicious Iftari Dinner

    There is absolutely no focking way he had iftaar. The fear that patwariyon ka abba could have added the exotic khota meat to the fooditems or just pissed in the drinks would have made him rethink whether he wanted to partake.
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    No foreign conspiracy to oust Imran govt: NSC

    Thank you for that post. Interesting times ahead. The party doesnt stop
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    No foreign conspiracy to oust Imran govt: NSC

    Has this been established for a fact? Has the ambassador actually said that? Ive only started reading about it, seems like a win for establishment
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    No foreign conspiracy to oust Imran govt: NSC

    Havent followed the news today, whats the buzz? Can someone give me cliff notes or redirect to a post that summarizes the new shit?
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    Tariq Fatimi Portfolio Taken Back by Imported Government After Appointing Him Special Assistant on Foreign Affairs Just a Day Ago

    What a complete shit show. At this point, i don't expect this foreign-backed and locally selected government to be able to do even simple maths.
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    Return of Hussain Haqqani

    Guys let's not lose track of things now, this is all part of the GRAND ARMY PLAN, bring them all back and make them part of the chain gang:chilli::chilli:.
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    PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

    Hilarious , how even when the writing is on the wall some here like to ask perception managers to make sense of why the establishments turned. Good grief, how can one be so blind? Problematic/ sinister individuals can be removed- you don't raze a house to kill a rat. Furthermore, one conspiracy...
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    Pakistan doesn't believe in camp politics: Gen Bajwa

    What a bloody circus. The next step would have been to put a large billboard adorned with neon lights with the words "We're In on It" and a smiling picture of the army chief. Thoroughly disgusted with the armed forces today, I come from a family that absolutely detests the armed forces, I...
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    Breaking : PM Imran to show 'threat letter' to senior journalists, allies today

    Sad that Imrans become the scape-goat in this episode. Its pretty clear where the establishment stands. Welcome back to hell lads.
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    BJP will occupy "Azad Kashmir" and make it integral part of India, it's our promise: Union minister Jitendra Singh

    Why is everyone getting worked up over what an Indian clown says? This is a run-of-the-mill indiot politician, this thread deserved some chuckles and should have been put to rest, but like always pages upon pages.
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    'Family fled hidden in the back of truck': Sandeepa Dhar pens a hard-hitting note after watching 'The Kashmir Files'

    The irony, now your security forces hoist Kashmiri Muslims on the front of a jeep and drive them through the streets. Give me a f****** break, scum.
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