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  1. InExile

    Exploring Pakistan’s Nuclear Thresholds – Analysis

    All the terrorist attacks in India that have been alleged to have been planned in Pakistan or by the ISI are serious provocations. Pakistan assumes that because of their nuclear weapons India will never attack them no matter what. That is a very reckless What if there is a terrorist attack that...
  2. InExile

    Exploring Pakistan’s Nuclear Thresholds – Analysis

    You can mock India if you like; but Pakistan is playing an extremely dangerous game. You assume that India will take any level of provocation with terrorist attacks; but sooner or later it will go too far, the internal political pressure to retaliate will be too high , and there will be a...
  3. InExile

    Exploring Pakistan’s Nuclear Thresholds – Analysis

    And millions of Pakistanis as well. If you live in a large city; that will most likely mean you.
  4. InExile

    Exploring Pakistan’s Nuclear Thresholds – Analysis

    Pakistan's attitude towards this seems to be recklessly dangerous. They seem to think that they can get away with any amount of provocation; against the US, who will never ditch them, against India, with terrorist attacks on Indian soil. But sooner or later they will go too far; and the result...
  5. InExile

    The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

    No there isn't. Accept it and move on.
  6. InExile

    The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

    There is no solution to the Kashmir problem; that both sides will accept. At the moment, Pakistan is not strong enough to impose its will on India. India is happy with the status quo and will not try to change the situation. Therefore, I forsee the status quo to last atleast our lifetimes.
  7. InExile

    Water or War

    This does not seem to be a serious discussion so far. For that matter , water is a very serious issue, a matter of life and death. I would like the Pakistani posters to show evidence or documents relating to the water issues; Since you are the one making the allegations the onus is on you...
  8. InExile

    All the wars have been started by Pakistan!!!

    Debunked?? I just see double standards, in 1965 (and 1999 for that matter) when Pakistan sends infiltrators into Indian Kashmir, its fully justified according to you. In 1971 when India allegedly aides the Bangladeshi Nationalists; its blatant aggression.
  9. InExile

    Denouncing Indira Gandhi

    This isn't the thread to talk about Kashmir, but I will just say, India cannot just give up Kashmir like that with nothing in return. Yes, losing land is a loss of pride and national prestige, especially in this case it will be interpreted as a victory for the jihadists; damage our secular...
  10. InExile

    Denouncing Indira Gandhi

    Lets remember that here we are considering what she said behind closed doors and not publicly; so we cant be sure those were her exact words or whether the statement was in context. Whatever Indira said or did not say, she is now dead and whatever she might have thought about Pakistan is...
  11. InExile

    Denouncing Indira Gandhi

    I did not denounce Indira Gandhi, to clarify the matter. I also said I thought she was overall a good leader. What I said was that I 'disagreed' with her if she actually said this. Disagree does not mean denounce. Like a poster said above, it might be hearsay. But I disagree strongly with this...
  12. InExile

    The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

    I should have perhaps used the term 'hostile' population. And i was referring to the residents of Gilgit Balistan, who will definitely not give allegiance to the Indian state. My post was meant to be lighthearted to be taken seriously (which might seem inappropriate), however my basic point...
  13. InExile

    "Curse on Indian financial aid" : Qari Hussein (TTP)

    I am starting to think,.... just maybe.... the Pakistani's dont have any proof. :hitwall:
  14. InExile

    An insurgency swells, but Pakistan focuses on India

    "As an Indian, you cannot claim to support peace and acceptance of Pakistan without denouncing IG for those views." I think Indira Gandhi was overall a good leader for India; though I wouldn't agree with her if she did indeed express these sentiments towards Pakistan. Isn't that enough?
  15. InExile

    The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

    Today I feel in a bargaining mood, so here my solution to the Kashmir problem. India gives up the Kashmir valley to Pakistan; but receives an equivalent amount of territory in either Sindh or in the Northern areas, Gilgit - Balistan. Given the Kashmir valley has a larger population and...
  16. InExile

    An insurgency swells, but Pakistan focuses on India

    Really, does it really matter, trying to prove who were the bad guys in the past 60 years? Both sides have done terrible things, but Pakistanis seem to focus only on Indian wrongs, and vice versa for the Indians. We need to leave unrealistic ideals and posturing and try to find solutions...
  17. InExile

    "Curse on Indian financial aid" : Qari Hussein (TTP)

    Again, just one, all I am asking for is one serious study, paper, documentary, link, anything!! that shows Indian terrorist activities in Pakistan. just one, please........And I am not trying to bait you or prove you as a liar, I seriously want to know if there is credible evidence to link India...
  18. InExile

    "Curse on Indian financial aid" : Qari Hussein (TTP)

    There seems to be little concrete evidence of Indian involvement in Baluchistan or Warzistan; it seems to be mostly internet chatter, mostly on Pakistani blogs and web news links. William Burns may have told Indian officials regarding concerns about the consulate in Jalalabad, but there seems...
  19. InExile

    "Curse on Indian financial aid" : Qari Hussein (TTP)

    I was looking for news articles regarding William Burns on the internet, to see if there was any mention of him saying there were indications that India was supporting insurgent activity in Pakistan. All I could find out that he is the Assistant secretary of state and he is visiting India...
  20. InExile

    An insurgency swells, but Pakistan focuses on India

    Very good post; if only more of us both Indians and Pakistanis would focus on our own mistakes rather than trying to prove how bad the other side is. I freely admit that my country has done a lot of things wrong, especially in Kashmir, where unfortunately we cant deny we have blood on our hands.
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