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  1. F

    Taliban seize much of Helmand capital; army advises evacuation

    I think an Afghan talked smack to you on twitter and you got emotional.
  2. F

    US wants Pakistan to keep Afghan border open for DPs

    Hellz No!!! I would have normally advocated for Pakistan to create a safe zone a few kms inside Afghanistan....however the corrupt Kabul elitists will probably cry to the world that Pakistan is harboring Taliban in the camps and providing medical care to the Taliban. Pakistan doesn't need...
  3. F

    India to order rafale F4 in 2022 after 36 F3 deiivered

    Well, it cannot be denied that India has purchased quite a few shiny toys. Pakistan, in the interim is and will continue to take steps to maintain 'Deterrence'. Despite the bravado of certain analysts or the random 'fan boy', the reality is that Pakistan does not want to engage in military...
  4. F

    If Pakistan had money would the western countries sell their weapons to us?

    But thats the point I am trying to make...Americans gave us the f-16s for strategic purposes and not for monetary purposes. If we had a tender valued at $15 billion and a booming economy and a rising military budget for the forseable future. I can almost guarantee they would bend over backwards...
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    If Pakistan had money would the western countries sell their weapons to us?

    Respectfully disagree. In the 1990s the Americans knew our economy was broke and that the F-16 was our only reliable delivery system for a nuclear bomb. Western companies are not stupid...they forecast your economic growth and potential future deals you can do with them....we frankly at the...
  6. F

    If Pakistan had money would the western countries sell their weapons to us?

    Completely agree...Western countries will sell Pakistan whatever we can afford. They are not interested in giving us discounts or grants...cold hard cash...and you can pretty much buy anything they offer...with limited exceptions. Pakistan being a Muslim country or a nuclear power won't be...
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    Pakistan Air Force builds for the future

    I do not think PAF will buy any 5th generation platform from China for the foreseeable future, for a few reasons; 1. Economy cannot sustain purchasing a 5th generation fighter and the ecosystem it requires 2. PAF would not want to push the Indians towards a similar purchase. They have more...
  8. F

    Pakistan Air Force builds for the future

    Definitely won't be easy...but think of the expertise PAF will develop by chanelling their human resources towards certain domains...PAF will certainly have to leverage their partnership with China and other friendly countries to gain access to their infrastructure, testing, design etc
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