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Taliban seize much of Helmand capital; army advises evacuation


Sep 25, 2009
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AFGHAN security personnel arrive at the site of a powerful explosion in Kabul on Tuesday. According to late night reports, four people were killed in the shooting that followed the blast. The explosion rocked a posh neighbourhood where several government officials live, including Afghanistan’s Defence Minister Bismillah Khan Mohammadi.—AP

KABUL: The Taliban pressed ahead with their advances in southern Afghanistan on Tuesday, capturing nine out of 10 districts of the Helmand provincial capital, residents and officials said.

Afghan government forces launched air strikes, backed by the US, in a desperate effort to defend the city of Lashkar Gah.
The Afghan forces commander for Helmand, Gen Sami Sadat, in an audio message shared with journalists on Tuesday urged residents in neighbourhoods captured by the Taliban to evacuate immediately, though he did not clarify how they could do that amid the ongoing clashes. The message was an indication more air strikes were planned.

“Please evacuate your families from your homes and their surroundings,” Sadat said. “We will not leave the Taliban alive. ... I know it’s hard ... we do it for your future. Forgive us if you get displaced for a few days, please evacuate as soon as possible.”

Afghan government forces launch air strikes to defend Lashkar Gah

Lashkar Gah is one of three provincial capitals under siege by the Taliban as they stepped up their onslaught against government forces.

The fall of Lashkar Gah would be a major turning point in the offensive the Taliban have waged over the past months as US and Nato forces complete their pullout from the war-torn country. It would also be the first provincial capital captured by the Taliban in years.

Residents of the city said the fighting has them trapped, hunkered down inside their homes and unable to step out for basic supplies. They said Taliban fighters were out openly in the streets, and that all but one Lashkar Gah district was under Taliban control.

Elite commando units were dispatched from Kabul to aid Afghan forces as the government held on to key government buildings, including the local police and army headquarters.

Majid Akhund, deputy chairman of the Helmand provincial council, confirmed that the Taliban control nine Lashkar Gah districts and also the city’s TV and radio station, which had both gone off the air.

In recent months the Taliban swept through dozens of districts across the country, many in remote and rural, sparsely populated areas.

Afghan troops in those battles often surrendered or pulled out with barely a fight, frequently lacking re-supplies and reinforcements. Over the past weeks, the Taliban have also captured several lucrative border crossings with Iran, Pakistan and Tajikistan.

Most recently, the Taliban have turned their guns on provincial capitals as the withdrawal of the US and Nato forces, is now more than 95 per cent complete. The final US and Nato soldier are expected to be out of Afghanistan by Aug 31.

The two other provincial capitals under siege are in the neighboring province of Kandahar, also in the south, and in western Herat province.

In Herat, the capital of the province by the same name, Afghan forces appeared on Tuesday to be able to push the Taliban back, with the insurgents on the edge of the city. Also, Herat city’s civilian airport re-opened.

The UN mission appealed for a quick end to the fighting in heavily populated urban areas.

Published in Dawn, August 4th, 2021


AFGHAN security personnel arrive at the site of a powerful explosion in Kabul on Tuesday. According to late night reports, four people were killed in the shooting that followed the blast. The explosion rocked a posh neighbourhood where several government officials live, including Afghanistan’s Defence Minister Bismillah Khan Mohammadi.—AP

KABUL: The Taliban pressed ahead with their advances in southern Afghanistan on Tuesday, capturing nine out of 10 districts of the Helmand provincial capital, residents and officials said.

Afghan government forces launched air strikes, backed by the US, in a desperate effort to defend the city of Lashkar Gah.
The Afghan forces commander for Helmand, Gen Sami Sadat, in an audio message shared with journalists on Tuesday urged residents in neighbourhoods captured by the Taliban to evacuate immediately, though he did not clarify how they could do that amid the ongoing clashes. The message was an indication more air strikes were planned.

“Please evacuate your families from your homes and their surroundings,” Sadat said. “We will not leave the Taliban alive. ... I know it’s hard ... we do it for your future. Forgive us if you get displaced for a few days, please evacuate as soon as possible.”

Lashkar Gah is one of three provincial capitals under siege by the Taliban as they stepped up their onslaught against government forces.

The fall of Lashkar Gah would be a major turning point in the offensive the Taliban have waged over the past months as US and Nato forces complete their pullout from the war-torn country. It would also be the first provincial capital captured by the Taliban in years.

Residents of the city said the fighting has them trapped, hunkered down inside their homes and unable to step out for basic supplies. They said Taliban fighters were out openly in the streets, and that all but one Lashkar Gah district was under Taliban control.

Elite commando units were dispatched from Kabul to aid Afghan forces as the government held on to key government buildings, including the local police and army headquarters.

Majid Akhund, deputy chairman of the Helmand provincial council, confirmed that the Taliban control nine Lashkar Gah districts and also the city’s TV and radio station, which had both gone off the air.

In recent months the Taliban swept through dozens of districts across the country, many in remote and rural, sparsely populated areas.

Afghan troops in those battles often surrendered or pulled out with barely a fight, frequently lacking re-supplies and reinforcements. Over the past weeks, the Taliban have also captured several lucrative border crossings with Iran, Pakistan and Tajikistan.

Most recently, the Taliban have turned their guns on provincial capitals as the withdrawal of the US and Nato forces, is now more than 95 per cent complete. The final US and Nato soldier are expected to be out of Afghanistan by Aug 31.

The two other provincial capitals under siege are in the neighboring province of Kandahar, also in the south, and in western Herat province.

In Herat, the capital of the province by the same name, Afghan forces appeared on Tuesday to be able to push the Taliban back, with the insurgents on the edge of the city. Also, Herat city’s civilian airport re-opened.

The UN mission appealed for a quick end to the fighting in heavily populated urban areas.

Published in Dawn, August 4th, 2021

lashkargah(helmand) has already fallen to talban , but they wont tell you that.
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great now get kandhar and form a government ......

Pakistan should immediately recognize this government and start trading with them and establish a buffer zone with no-fly zone to help them. Moreover, arm them to teeth as other parties are doing ANA against Pakistan.
lashkargah(helmand) has already fallen to talban , but they wont tell you that.
not fallen but under siege, there are still pockets of resistance in the city. they also won't tell you that Taliban commander molvi Talib who is leading the assault on Lashkar Gah is one of the 5,000 terrorists released from jail by the United States.

they iz working for Uncle Sam
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not fallen but under siege, there are still pockets of resistance in the city. they also won't tell you that Taliban commander molvi Talib who is leading the assault on Lashkar Gah is one of the 5,000 terrorists released from jail by the United States.

they iz working for Uncle Sam
Dude I dont know why you seem so pressed, are you afghan? .Afghan army has only 1 sq km area in lashkargah.. that's next to nothing.why are ANA declaring operation for lashkargah if the city is not under talban.all the main squares are with talban ..they are just not in a hurry to declare victory as afghan army has decided to give a response so they are waiting for it.the city was already in siege few days back that's old news now.. talban now control 95% of the city. Rest is contested with the local rag tag police not ANA.
As for the US buying talban theory maybe.. but doesnt look convincing enough when you see same talban buddying around with the Chinese. Regardless surely USmay try to build influence in some smaller talban factions.
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Pakistan should immediately recognize this government and start trading with them and establish a buffer zone with no-fly zone to help them. Moreover, arm them to teeth as other parties are doing ANA against Pakistan.

That is against the stated policy of the Pakistani government. Pakistan doesn’t want to recognize them as such, because it needs a stable inclusive government that will end this war once and for all. It looks like the participants in this civil war are trying to have the most territory under their control before negotiations begin. The sooner an interim government is formed negotiations can begin. Let’s hope some sense is told to the Kabul elite, because the Afghan people have suffered enough.

As far as direct threats against Pakistan, I’m sure the SSG and ISI are tracking them and dealing with as much as possible under the circumstances.
ana knows Pakistani military's is very power full only thing they can do is blame game
Taliban should maintain the current status of has right now and keep bleeding the ana through a thousand cuts. post 911, I feel PAF should start conducting air raids on ammunition depots and air bases of the ghani regime to completely decapitate the already dying ana...it'll take a couple of hours worth of air raids to completely declaw and defang the ana, after which, the Taliban can simply take over without much bloodshed.
Taliban should maintain the current status of has right now and keep bleeding the ana through a thousand cuts. post 911, I feel PAF should start conducting air raids on ammunition depots and air bases of the ghani regime to completely decapitate the already dying ana...it'll take a couple of hours worth of air raids to completely declaw and defang the ana, after which, the Taliban can simply take over without much bloodshed.

I think an Afghan talked smack to you on twitter and you got emotional.
Let’s hope some sense is told to the Kabul elite, because the Afghan people have suffered

Wishful thinking... Naive to say the least.

But I guess its the good thoughts that matter. Nice lovely hippy happy thoughts.

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