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  1. R-AH

    Mohammed al Fateh - Conquest of Constantinople

    Inshallah I plan to share more. Jazakhallahu khayr
  2. R-AH

    Mohammed al Fateh - Conquest of Constantinople

    Today was the day Sultan Mohammed al-Fateh conquered Constantinople, prophesied by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in his famous narration (hadith): “Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader will he be, and what a wonderful army will that army be!" For eight centuries, the...
  3. R-AH

    Bangladesh’s World Cup jersey to be changed amid similarity to Pakistan's.

    Nationalism is so disgusting, it's the belief of animals. Pakistan and Bangladesh were once the same country until the British colonised the region. Man some of you are so backwards The Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam also said: "Indeed there is no excellence for an arab over a...
  4. R-AH

    Ramadan – The month of heroes and victory

    I think some are missing the point of the post. Its not about the actual timeline of what happened during Ramadan, but rather about how Muslims of the past understood Islam as a holistic system rather than a mere individualistic religion and the great they achieved throughout this month. In...
  5. R-AH

    Turkish, Indonesian firms team up on medium-weight tank

    ANKARA, Turkey — Turkish armored-vehicles manufacturer FNSS and its Indonesian partner PT Pindad have signed a contract to co-produce scores of medium-weight, new-generation battle tanks for the Indonesian army. The deal was signed during this year’s IDEF defense and aerospace show in Istanbul...
  6. R-AH

    Ramadan – The month of heroes and victory

    The Muslims did defeat the Mongols at the battle of ain jalut, even killing its Commander during battle. A short clip from the YouTube channel Kings & Generals.
  7. R-AH

    Ramadan – The month of heroes and victory

    No doubt Ramadan is very special to Muslims. In this month marked for forgiveness and mercy, it is important to tie our past to our present, and learn from the Prophet (SAW) and his followers regarding what Ramadan meant to them. We want to shine some light on critical events that changed the...
  8. R-AH

    Democracy Can Never Eradicate Political Corruption in Pakistan

    There are only a very few political systems that exist in the world, Capitalism which has failed and continues to fail the world, communism or socialism which has also failed and Islam. Unfortunately the later i.e. Islam has not been understood well by Muslims today even though the islamic...
  9. R-AH

    Democracy Can Never Eradicate Political Corruption in Pakistan

    Hey Chakar, I disagree with you, all countries that have democracy have corruption and if you read and watch the the news its not hard to tell with the ongoing scandals in America and UK. Democracy is a farce that was created to delude the masses in thinking they are the ones making the choices...
  10. R-AH

    Democracy Can Never Eradicate Political Corruption in Pakistan

    Under Democracy, government institutions are hotbeds of corruption in Pakistan. According to the 2017 Transparency International report, Pakistan is the 116th most corrupt country out of 176 countries. According to the 23 May 2017 report of Khabrian Newspaper, members of the national and...
  11. R-AH

    Is the IMF Destroying Pakistan's Economy and Does the Islamic System have a solution?

    I agree with most of what you saidx however i disagree on following thr east asian economic model. I was in Singapore last month and yes the country looks great and so does their economy but that doesnt benefit the people. In Capitalism wealth is created but not distributed rather the rich get...
  12. R-AH

    Is the IMF Destroying Pakistan's Economy and Does the Islamic System have a solution?

    Communism is dead and it has failed, communism from its core thoughts doesn't harmonise with human nature, why woukd I allow the state to own my clothes, house and everything else I ow you clearly haven't read what I've written. If you're sincere try and research the Islamic political system.
  13. R-AH

    Is the IMF Destroying Pakistan's Economy and Does the Islamic System have a solution?

    Agreed, Pakistan going to the IMF is a complete disaster. Hence corrupt politcal system must be changed and replaced. Capitalism is failing people globally. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
  14. R-AH

    Is the IMF Destroying Pakistan's Economy and Does the Islamic System have a solution?

    On 13 October 2018, the Finance Minister, Asad Umar, said, “We are going [to the IMF] for the 19th time and we wish that it is the last time we do so.” However it is a fact that the IMF is a colonialist tool that never allows the country that receives loans to stand on its feet. This was even...
  15. R-AH

    8 Suprising Facts About SSG Commandos

    Asalaamu Alaykum and Hello All, I came across a really good video on SSG Commandos by FTD Facts on YouTube.
  16. R-AH

    Malaysian PM Mahathir bin Mohamad Sporting JF-17 Thunder Jacket

    Really interesting article written on Quwa The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) and Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) are renewing their efforts to secure additional customers for the JF-17 Thunder lightweight multi-role fighter, which is co-produced by the Aviation Industry Corporation of China...
  17. R-AH

    Oman allows US military to use its two ports - Salalah & Duqm

    Sad state of affairs, these Gulf countries allow war mongering nations like America to use its ports. America uses these ports to spread its hegemony in the region and weaken Muslim states, and these Gulf rulers are the biggest sellouts all for the $$$$.
  18. R-AH

    New Introductions

    Asalaamu alaykum and Hello all, I'm excited to be apart of this community as I have a leen interest in military technology and history. I am on here to gain more knowledge on whats happening in the military world especially in Muslim world and meet more like minded people.
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