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  1. H

    Okay, you win!

    Time will give the conclusion later soon.:)
  2. H

    Okay, you win!

  3. H

    Okay, you win!

    Wow wow wow,you are kidding the whole world,please go out of your room and listen to the world. 1.Policies are made by human,we can change the policies any time we think it is right time.And have you ever seen any self-destructive policy making the country stronger and stronger?Your logic is...
  4. H

    Okay, you win!

    Well,first,i didn't blame you,second i just told you sth you didn't know. But now it seems you don't want to shut your big mouth,do you know at the beginning i try to control myself not to use the word "ignorance" on you?but here you keep slandering China with your exact ignorance...
  5. H

    Okay, you win!

    Yes,you are wrong:chilli: Let me give you several questions: 1.Do you think a father teach a son to beat others,to rob others is good? 2.Do you know why most of Chinese now lead a better lives than most of Indians? 3.Do you think the parents give birth to a child but even they cann't give...
  6. H

    Okay, you win!

    Wow,I guess you were completely poisoned by your national medias,if you don't know much about China,I suggest you make a trip to China,or else watch out your tongue,shut up your mouth is so easy and good to you,please don't show your guess any more.In China,almost everyone knows you were beat 47...
  7. H

    Okay, you win!

    Don't take the animal's bark to your heart,talking is among humans.They can only be meek when you show the big stick.:sniper:
  8. H

    Chinese paper accuses Indian media of engaging in war rhetoric

    Besides,we chinese love peace,but we also don't mind giving the obdurate militant a 2nd lesson.
  9. H

    Chinese paper accuses Indian media of engaging in war rhetoric

    If you are just a "gunner" of some organization,please forget what i said below,or else: 1.Sorry,you yourself cann't stand for all the Arunachal Pradesh people. 2.Keep console yourself to satisfy your vanity. 3.Watch out your dictions,dogmatic inference only shows childish,whether China has...
  10. H

    Now India is expanding its embassy in Islamabad

    U have answered your question.
  11. H

    Now India is expanding its embassy in Islamabad

    You are going to be killed even if you are inside LoC peacfully protesting against Indian state terrorism so nevermind. Hahaha,my brother,U r so funny.:yahoo:
  12. H

    Now India is expanding its embassy in Islamabad

    Maybe sth has to be solved at the end.Another hand,that means we all love our motherlands.:coffee:
  13. H

    Now India is expanding its embassy in Islamabad

    Who is dreaming?Are you sober?47 years passed,you have forgotten your pain?
  14. H

    Now India is expanding its embassy in Islamabad

    Seems we have to do sth.:agree:
  15. H

    Now India is expanding its embassy in Islamabad

    "India has to maintain deterrence vis-a-vis ChinoPak. Do the math the ratios may surprise you." India's deterrence?The ratios?We are so scared,it seems maybe we will be pushed to do the same thing just as 47 years ago.
  16. H

    Now India is expanding its embassy in Islamabad

    China is a marriage of convenience vs India. I dont read too much into it. So how do you describe the relation between India and UK or US? BTW,nobody is Mr Know-all,please do not judge others ignorance optionally.
  17. H

    Now India is expanding its embassy in Islamabad

    Yes,i agree with you,i think it's kind of connivance policy in some way.
  18. H

    Now India is expanding its embassy in Islamabad

    sounds reasonable,but logically thinking,we still feel a little strange,haha:blink:
  19. H

    US plans for ‘imperial’ presence in Pakistan

    Maybe this is not true,but I think there is no need to provide any proof for this,just look around the world,why you americans set so many military bases in other coutries,just see what you have done to the people in so many other countries such as Iraq Iran,do you think it is still...
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