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  1. S

    Nawaz Sharif says ‘no wish to take revenge’, seeks support of all ‘constitutional institutions’

    Karma is a bitch. What goes around eventually comes around? The PML-N has established a very dangerous precedent. They should have no complaints going forward if PTI, PPP or anyone else goes after them with full force and fury when they are out of the government
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    Was PTI ever a proper political party?

    The PML-N and PPP argue that PTI's profile only got boosted from 2011 onwards thanks to the Pakistani army sponsorship where so many lotas and other establishment touts from various segments of society proceeded to join the party left, right and centre. Ever since IK fell out with the...
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    Feedback needed on how to help a parent struggling with bereavement and the loss of their spouse?

    It's been a year since my mother passed away after battling a debilitating nuerological disease which rapidly made her bed ridden and totally dependent on others for basic needs. She had been in severe pain and agony for so many years and the pace with which she was declining during the...
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    Advice needed on a trip to Great Britain, United Kingdom for a week

    I will be travelling with my wife to the United Kingdom where we will have 6-7 days to explore the country in August. The plan is that my uncle who lives in Kent will pick us up and take us to his place and the next day, we will travel from Kent to London. I was checking on google maps that the...
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    PDM Govt Plans to arrest Imran Khan

    Lol at half . The vast majority of the country is with IK unlike trumps situation in the US
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    PDM is hoping for the army to impose Martial Law

    They have lost the political battle and street power battle against pti. They secretly want Bajwa to rescue them from IK and the only way possible is for the army to impose martial law.
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    Nawaz to return to Pakistan in September: Javed Latif

    Need to greet him with aandays
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    Has the experienced PDM Govt's 4 month experiment busted the myth of PTI's incompetence?

    For 3.5 years the PDM parties especially PML N and PPP kept shouting, screaming in the National Assemblies, Press Conferences and Interviews, Combined Jalsas, Social Media about PTI's and Imran Khan's incompetence from August 2018 to April 2022. These parties boasted about having...
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    Bilawal feeling proud of his corrupt father

    This is our Foreign Minister of Pakistan. Someone rightfully responded to him "Yeh aap ki maa be bhi bhari tha"
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    Are Birth Control Tablets really necessary to take?

    My wife complains and feels that the Birth Control medication she is taking is resulting in her putting on weight and causing Hormonal changes in her body and even leading her to feel Low, depressed. She also feels that long term reliance on Birth Control Medication can even lead to infertility...
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    ARYnews is under attack by the govt

    Struggling to understand what was the establishments plan of conspiring against the pti and backing the PDM in the no confidence vote saga. Also struggling to understand what the PDM larger plan is? Did they honestly expect they will get away with their ghunda gardi, mafia style behaviour...
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    Supreme Court Decision on Presidential Reference

    I wonder if this is the establishment acknowledgement that they made a mistake by backing the PDM on the no confidence motion and seeing the massive public backing for IK and the confusion, indecision, badniyati in the PDM ranks, they are making a uturn
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    Imported Govt to take measures to ban Pakistanis from holding dual passport

    Imported Govt to take measures to ban Pakistanis from holding dual passports Holding multiple foreign passports banned Published 2 days ago on May 11, 2022 By ShayanXtreme ISLAMABAD: The federal cabinet on Tuesday discussed measures to keep prices of food items stable and ensure their...
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    Establishment punished former PM Imran Khan due to General Faiz Hameed issue: Parvez Ilahi

    Hope someone in the future makes General Bajwa go through Article 6 proceedings
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    No foreign conspiracy to oust Imran govt: NSC

    Lol this is equivalent to Nawaz Sharif running an investigation into Panama Leaks on himself. No credibility
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    Video: Journalist dissects IK relationship with Karachi.

    I hope IK gets a two third majority next time and changes this fraudulent 18th Amendment for the better
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    Was Choudhry Sarwar The Enemy Within ?

    There was a feeling that because he had been a seasoned politician, MP in England for a good 10-15 years, he would be giving back to the country by getting involved in Pakistani politics. It turned out that his only motivation to get involved in Pakistani politics is to make the most of the...
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    Was Choudhry Sarwar The Enemy Within ?

    I am reading that there was a lot of Fahashat and Vulgarity in the Punjab Governor House under his reign which will put Yahya Khan to shame.
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    PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

    Am reading that there was a physical altercation in a Lahore hotel bw Aleem Khan and Hamza Shahbaz today. Aleem Khan is threatening the PML N about withdrawing his support if they don't honour the agreements they made to him. PML N will never give up the Punjab CM seat to anyone else.
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    Global protests against regime change in Pakistan

    I wonder if the situation will force the Army to ask Bajwa to step aside
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