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  1. M

    Type 075 Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) News & Discussions

    If one is that retarded to take a selfie at a restricted site, then one deserves whatever punishment is coming. However, there is another possibility to consider. It's possible this worker took this selfie for his own personal album, left the photos on his phone/computer which then was hacked...
  2. M

    U.S. could "possibly lose" war against China in East Asia, ex-CIA chief says

    A simplistic view on politics. No way they can pull it off? I bet your ancestors thought the same way on first contact with Europeans. Fast forward a few centuries later and the Europeans were ransacking your nation, eventually leading to the Century of Humiliation. Where there is a will...
  3. M

    CV-17 Shandong - Type 002 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

    "They" = Chinese state media. I recall I read it in this thread but now it's gone, or it was posted elsewhere in this forum. Someone here posted an article of it. I have no idea on how to search in Chinese forums, but I came up with the following from an retired Indian military commander. As...
  4. M

    CV-17 Shandong - Type 002 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

    Isn't anything from state media considered official? They gave no exact date but an estimation of end of June. And...we're here!
  5. M

    CV-17 Shandong - Type 002 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

    Still no pennant number? I guess the Chinese state media got the commission date wrong.
  6. M

    CV-16 Liaoning - Type 001 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

    Long? It was only 11 days from Miyako Strait to Sanya.
  7. M

    Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

    Coastal defense? Maybe use it to augment a CBG?
  8. M

    China Space Station official video

    China Manned Space Agency? Is this a new organization under the CNSA or has the CNSA been rebranded? There isn't much info on the CMSA that I could find.
  9. M

    Why Boeing may never recover from 737 debacle

    Boeing went downhill after the merger with McDonnell Douglas. However, Boeing fall under the 'too big to fail' category. It'll get a bail out in some form or another, or maybe it will merge with Lockheed.
  10. M

    Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

    IMO, a STOVL aircraft like the V-22 is more useful than the F-35B, with the technology that is available today.
  11. M

    CV-18 Fujian - Type 003 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

    It's that reason why I asked. JNCX has kept certain parts covered up from prying eyes and it was not assembled in Dry Dock #4 (DD4). Since DD4 doesn't have environmental shelters, it would be rather difficult to hide the installation of nuclear reactors. It's not to say the current location...
  12. M

    CV-18 Fujian - Type 003 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

    What's the official line regarding power generation? Nuclear or conventional? AFAIK, there has been no consensus on this.
  13. M

    U.S. government: Iran is responsible for today's attacks in the Gulf of Oman.

    More BS coming from the State Dept. Be wary of anyone racing to the podium with 'evidence'.
  14. M

    Another super engineering in China shocks the world

    Why not have the road go underneath the tracks when the two intersects?
  15. M

    Another super engineering in China shocks the world

    Apparently this is for a high speed rail. IMO, it would have been easier and cheaper to build at grade level and just engineer at the approach of the hills on each end of the project.
  16. M

    CV-18 Fujian - Type 003 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

    Maybe. Although the Liaoning (formerly Varyag) was exposed to the elements for a decade, it was never used because construction was stopped for financial reasons. Dalian shipyard spent about 9 years evaluating it's seaworthiness. AFAIK, there was no mention of how much work was needed to make...
  17. M

    CV-18 Fujian - Type 003 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

    They're going to need to dig a deeper basin if they're planning on building it completely at that site.
  18. M

    Mobile payment outdating, facial payment coming in China

    People who think this is a good idea are insane.
  19. M

    Turkey considers Russian Su-57, Chinese J-31 jets to replace F-35s - Yeni Şafak

    It is possible that Turkey had no intention of buying the J-31, but is using it to pressure the Russians for a better deal. IIRC, they used the same tactic wrt HQ-9.
  20. M

    Vietnam could emerge as developed economy: expert

    Plausible. As long there is no screw ups, it can be done within a generation due to lower population size.
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