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  1. M

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Point 2. Last sentence in Bahasa Indonesia : Peramalan (forecasting) menduduki porsi penting dalam perencanaan. Point 2. Last sentence in English : Forecasting take an importance portion on planning. From the book tittled "Pertahanan Negara dan Postur TNI Ideal" (National State Defence and...
  2. M

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Its up to you wether you will take it seriously or not. However what if 87 unit of f16 became reality in 2024? What if 274 KRI became reality in the next 20 years? What if we have 13 real frigate became reality in the next 20 years? What if our coast guard bakamla has 120 ships in the next 25...
  3. M

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    It depends on your point of view.
  4. M

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Where do you even get this 1687 from ? Are you reading what @ayamjago said in indo××××××× ? Dear Cromwell, May be you will not believe what I will say. 1687 i took it not from the rooster but I took the numbers as a riddle from the street. Even last time when I make a wish for our navy...
  5. M

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Small squadron 12 - 14 unit Standard squadron 16 - 18 unit Big squadron 24 unit Large squadron 28 - 32 unit Aussy and Sweden use big squadrons Our army will use large squadron of 32 unit helicopters. http://defense-studies.blogspot.com/2018/07/indonesia-perlu-skuadron-besar-heli.html?m=1 Our...
  6. M

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Ehem, Kayaknya tadi dari AURI coba ngasih teka-teki silang kepadaku, di depan hidungku tadi pagi mereka ngasih angka 1687 dan siang ini mereka lewat di depan mataku sambil mencoba membunyikan sesuatu agar angka 1687 itu jadi perhatianku. So let's begin with numbers : I've said a view days ago...
  7. M

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Ships with "ADRI" code belong to our army instead of our navy.
  8. M

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Ehem, Knud Rasmussen ships class also have LOA more than 70 meters. Ealah mase, mase... Gue khan kagak bilang "for now.." Gue khan bilang "in the future" dan "I wish" Current rate production of all dockyards (including private shipyards) times twenty years can catch double quantity of this...
  9. M

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Gue mau berkhayal lagi ahhhh : In the future our neighbours (four defense power) will have : 43 opvs 8 corvettes 27 frigates 9 destroyers 4 multi purpose ships like frigates but with vehicles transporter ability. How our navy could make balance power of these. Our neighbours frigates will be...
  10. M

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    There should be only one flag : The Red and White Flag. Other flags (religion and political party flags) make our NKRI divided into pieces.When our forefathers fought for our nation freedom, they only brought one kind of flag only - The Red and White Flags. Neither religion flags nor political...
  11. M

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Bisakah turet 90 mm dipasang di Komodo ?
  12. M

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Ups, sorry.
  13. M

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    My comment above is for JDAM acquisition, Maam. Our MEF target is only 128 fighters into 8 squadrons. For hawks replacement is still a long way to go. Hawks will be positioned in Sumatra only, thus all hawks in Supadio will be removed. While Supadio will be filled with Vipers or another...
  14. M

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Just like previous buying item like pandur, we bought first buying in small quantity for testing, if we satisfy, we will bought hundreds or thousands and if possible we make it by ourselves under license.
  15. M

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Do you mean AN/APG-68 (V) 9? Oh jadi rasa blok 52 lagi dong, why not AN/APG-83? Apa nggak enak sama Singapore dan Thailand ya ? Mereka masih pakai APG-68 (V) 9 kok kita mau lompat ke APG-83 ? Actually I do hope our MLU aircrafts to be completed with APG-83 AESA radar too. If the structure to...
  16. M

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Are all of them completed with CFT? Are they also upgrading their radar to AESA (SABR)?
  17. M

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Be patientlah mase, Our government now is still building hundreds of hull platforms from small to big to connect inter-islands and for SAR, navigation ships, fisheries, coast guard KPLP and Bakamla, customs, police and navy patrol. After all small patrol ships needed are build, we will start...
  18. M

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Mase, Kayaknya sama aja lho dengan kapal ke-4, hanya saja lubang di bagian depan bridge itu sekarang terhalang meriam 57 mm.
  19. M

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Guys ! Tomorrow, 2nd of August 2019 First steel cutting of our fifth KCR 60!
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