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  1. P

    West Bengal beats India in Muslim growth rate.

    I'm from Jammu. There was no genocide. I've never even heard that before. During partition, there was violence in all bordering regions. Punjab was the most affected.
  2. P

    New Introductions

    Hey. I'm Indian. I'm a student. I found this forum through Google search. My interests are in geopolitics. Future plans - not sure yet
  3. P

    Gen Raheel Shareef going to resign from Saudi Led alliance.

    Pakistan shouldn't pick sides between Iran and Saudi
  4. P

    India bans sale of cows for slaughter, a move designed to appease conservative Hindus

    Modi has to do this to appease the RSS wing of his party
  5. P

    I’m An Indian Muslim And Here’s Why I’m Scared Of Living In India

    how representative is the author of Indian Muslims? not very imo
  6. P

    Defying shutdown call, hundreds of Kashmiri youth appear for Army exam

    only private industry can remedy this problem
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