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  1. LionofPakistan

    India could strike Pakistan with nuclear weapons first to pre-empt attack

    If india first drop atom Bomb they can't destroy pakistan capability to strike back with more destructive atomic bombs all around indian these cities listed below will be no more on map in few mins of india's first attack. 1 - Mumbai. 2 - Delhi. 3 - Kolkata. 4 - Bengaluru. 5 - Hyderabad. 6 -...
  2. LionofPakistan

    Pakistan issues a stark warning to Trump's Generals on the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan.

    US & EU wanted to stay in Afghan to control pak/iran/china and they bleed pak brutally by proxy of ttp. As world politics is changing by Trump and Brexit Factor maybe US wanted to get rid of its wars as its a big price to pay and even US is taking distance from EU & Nato. Its in Pakistan's...
  3. LionofPakistan

    Biker's Lounge

    Honda have no match . i love to drive everyday even in snow and its my ride
  4. LionofPakistan

    Pakistani Fashion

    Nargis Fakhri i guessed
  5. LionofPakistan

    Pakistan: Moves to integrate tribal areas in the northwest

    Tribes must have full rights as any Pakistani citizen have
  6. LionofPakistan

    Qatar seeks assistance of Pak Army over security for FIFA World Cup 2022

    Go Ahead Pak Army you have lots of respect in Arab world & you deserve it.
  7. LionofPakistan

    Afghan Police surrender strategic Faryab valley to Taliban

    Afghan Taliban got support from local people as they win people heart when they ruled Afghanistan. Its Afghan people choice who they want them to rule Taliban already controlling a massive area of Afghan
  8. LionofPakistan

    Pakistan has right to target terrorists across Afghan border, says Asif

    Well said but do not just say do it ... Go Ahead as security first
  9. LionofPakistan

    New Introductions

    1) Tell your interests Exploring new places, cultures, people, History, Wars, Latest Techs, part time writer, international Politics and diplomacy 2) What do you do. Net rider since 92 from dark net to glowing net. Making new Rugs to servers networkings. defending my nation on web platform...
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