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  1. K

    Stealth frigates deal with Russia stumbles on costs

    Russia has been milking India for 60 years...... Our tits are running out of milk...
  2. K

    India's Caste System, Social Inequality and Demonetization

    If the masses don't organize and revolt.....the Indian elites in collaboration with their British masters will starve them to death....it's simply genocide....
  3. K


    India, Death by Demonetization: “Financial Genocide”, The Crime of the Century A Financial genocide, if there was ever one. Death by demonetization, probably killing hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people, through famine, disease, even desperation and suicide – because most of India’s...
  4. K

    Hi. ..why I can't open new threads ?

    I have the same problem.....the MODs on this forum should at least let me know whats going on..... i have tried to post for two days now......this is ridiculous.
  5. K

    Nobody ‘stealing’ your jobs, you spend too much on wars - Alibaba founder to US

    How do i start a new thread?.....i contacted admin...but still no response.
  6. K

    Discuss brexit

    England is a rapidly declining power....
  7. K

    New Introductions

    Hello to all members, I'm Rama from Tamil Nadu, :) 1) Tell your interests History 2) What do you do? retail 3) How did you find us google 4) What interests you here? different opinions 5) What is your profession? truth seeker 6) Future plans? getting married
  8. K

    Diplomat says China would assume world leadership if needed

    Dude china is a superpower..... their economy is already bigger than the u.s.a.... and is still growing on the other hand the western economies are shrinking rapidly....
  9. K

    should Pakistan ban dowry and how to go about it.

    Pakistan and India should ban dowry..... by confiscating the money and imprisoning both the giver and taker....... then the dowry culture will disappear really fast.
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    Times of India: Chinese entry into power sector raises security fears

    The Indian ruling elite and media are controlled and serve their western masters.....they do not in any shape or form represent the views of the vast majority(98%) of Indians....
  11. K

    Unbelievable High Tech in China Part 1

    wow... very very impressive........ china is starting to surpass western technology......to all the fools that said china can only copy others.... please educate yourself....
  12. K

    Cold Start? Mutually Assured Destruction by Lt. Gen (R) Tariq Khan

    why do India and Pakistan waste their hard earned money on useless European( eastern & western) & american ...military weapons.... when we both along with Bangladesh have the most impoverished and oppressed people on the face of this earth.......? We are talking tens of billions of dollars the...
  13. K

    Diplomat says China would assume world leadership if needed

    china is already a superpower( military and economic)......she has america by the balls...... the western world is panicking because they now their end is near.
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