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Sep 8, 2009
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A bit sudden demand from Public in Britain to preserve their identity and deciding to go solo.

Presently some drama in the courts !

What do folks think about this "exit" and what is the relation to the exit to the recent ICBM failiure , together in context of USA moving out of TPP treaty


What will happening to all those none British players in EPL ?
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Brexiters had some legitimate goals such as making the government more democratic, making our own laws on fishing and industries and controlling immigration although the majority voted only for the sake of the latter.
It does not look like we'll get anything 'promised' and currently it looks like a failure because of the pettiness of politicians in the EU and UK. It has definitely increased nationalist sentiment but despite some inflation it hasnt had any major affect.
Britain probably wanted to move closer to the US but with Trump's economic policies I dont know how that will play out. Probably towards more irrelevancy at the current rate.
Well Britain is traditionally close to Canada/Australia and few other colonies (Newzeland) so I would not assume they are declining nation. The jurisdiction / power is split but the folks are all generally quite same.

But I was just reading some comotion in news lately so I was curious as to what folks feel in Britian with the on going discussions

I am seeing perhaps more closenesss between Canada / Britain in upcoming years specially since Trump is also on verge of cancelling NAFTA trade agreement with Canada

Plus obviously many Pakistani folks are citizens in UK as well etc so just was bit curious
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