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  1. JattPunjabii

    Great Message from Indian Soldier

    lol this is childish, fine pretend I don't exist I'll do something about the flag so I'm not affiliated to your country.
  2. JattPunjabii

    Great Message from Indian Soldier

    LOL unlike your third world toilet of a country, there is dignity of labor in this country. EVEN if I drove a cab, I wouldn't be ashamed of it and would probably be making more money than your thambi self. Don't worry about America, see you on an H1B here sometime? Or not if Trump wins...
  3. JattPunjabii

    Kejriwal and Nirupam should ask for their parents' wedding night video': BJP MLA Rameshwar Sharma

    What bull? Against the Taliban? You aren't happy they are doing that? To fight against the Mughals who were ethnic Turks? And he made his peace with Aurengzeb before his death. Those who string up Muslims because they eat beef? Those that started riots in Gujrat? Those that are using pellet...
  4. JattPunjabii

    Great Message from Indian Soldier

    blah blah blah. They are not my fellow countrymen, what I said was that all you people baying for blood on the internet and wanting war will be safe in the South. Punjab is on the border and Punjabis will suffer. All of that is a fact, take your bickering elsewhere. I like how you tagged in...
  5. JattPunjabii

    Kejriwal and Nirupam should ask for their parents' wedding night video': BJP MLA Rameshwar Sharma

    Yeah I know about the extremism in Pakistan and Hindustan. So? Right now, Pakistan isn't the country shooting hundreds of unarmed people in the face with shotguns and calling them non lethal. My Sikh friends who've gone to Pakistan have nothing but good things to say about it. Punjab over there...
  6. JattPunjabii

    Kejriwal and Nirupam should ask for their parents' wedding night video': BJP MLA Rameshwar Sharma

    They didn't drop the demand Mr Einstein, they got the heck bombed out of them by the Indian Army and the person you have in your signature. If you're talking about partition, what Tara chose was not popular opinion. As for what Pakistan would have done to them, can't be worse then bombing their...
  7. JattPunjabii

    Kejriwal and Nirupam should ask for their parents' wedding night video': BJP MLA Rameshwar Sharma

    I'm not religious enough to be a Khalistani, I don't associate myself with India or Indians. I'm Jatt first, Punjabi second, Sikh third and would just like a Punjab which is not under the influence of a corrupt nationalist government that oppresses and kills minorities and imposes their stupid...
  8. JattPunjabii

    Great Message from Indian Soldier

    Yeah! Mera jaddi pind aa veer uthe.. kotli aurbung near gujranwala. One day soon - when things are cooler. The gurdwara here organizes trips to Nankana Sahib.
  9. JattPunjabii

    Kejriwal and Nirupam should ask for their parents' wedding night video': BJP MLA Rameshwar Sharma

    eh, I think I'll keep it now since it bothers you so much. I doubt they have a Khalistan flag either. o_O
  10. JattPunjabii

    Great Message from Indian Soldier

    You guys win, majha punjabi is way more pure. Just wish, my Pakistani Punjabi brothers weren't ashamed of the language and it was taught as the first language in the Punjab there. Hope it doesn't die out eventually.
  11. JattPunjabii

    Kejriwal and Nirupam should ask for their parents' wedding night video': BJP MLA Rameshwar Sharma

    It was asking me for the country of origin when I signed up and I entered India without realizing it will fly the silly flag on my profile and now it won't let me change it. Satisfied? Thank you
  12. JattPunjabii

    Kejriwal and Nirupam should ask for their parents' wedding night video': BJP MLA Rameshwar Sharma

    Don't worry, I don't have one I burnt it the day I got an American one.
  13. JattPunjabii

    Great Message from Indian Soldier

    Aww there is much love for you on this side bro... jed kedde vi Pakistan to koi aunda te lokki enne cha naal millde ne.. etthe america ch, indian punjabi taxi aale free ch ride dennde ne je desso ke tusi pakistan ton aa
  14. JattPunjabii

    Great Message from Indian Soldier

    Heh yeah then they hire more people from their own little cliques and do shitty work and make us all look bad.
  15. JattPunjabii

    Great Message from Indian Soldier

    What the flip is that supposed to mean? I'm one guy expressing my opinion on the internet. If that's a threat, well must feel good to threaten people while typing on your keyboard.
  16. JattPunjabii

    Great Message from Indian Soldier

    India as an idea has failed. Punjabis don't have anything in common with most Indians, language or genetics. It needs to be split up into different independent states albeit with free travel and work permits like the European Union.
  17. JattPunjabii

    Kejriwal and Nirupam should ask for their parents' wedding night video': BJP MLA Rameshwar Sharma

    Gutter politics lol Fast on the way to becoming a failed Hindu nationalist state.
  18. JattPunjabii

    Indians boycotting 'Made in China' wares for Beijing's support to Pak

    My first reaction was good for the Indians, Chinese quality sucks but then I realized Indian quality sucks more :p:
  19. JattPunjabii

    Great Message from Indian Soldier

    Well, consider the kind of person who will make the effort to create an account and post on these forums. Jingoism probably reins supreme. The common man on both sides will be busy trying to make a life.
  20. JattPunjabii

    Great Message from Indian Soldier

    Well it's an honor in my faith (Sikhism) as well but we don't view India's war with Pakistan as a holy crusade like you guys I guess. Well, internet stranger I wish your son luck and hope that he stays safe. No kidding! He's giving up his American citizenship? I was so proud the day I got...
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