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  1. M

    Breaking: PM Nawaz deliver big speech at United Nations New York

    Yes that would be a good ice breaker for some humor in his speech...talking about a fake agent
  2. M

    Hit by pellets in eye, 11-yr old Tamana to be operated 3rd time

    Was this kid injured on her way to a school or in the playground? If a Kid is injured in a protest march,then it's neither the kid's fault nor the army...blame her parens
  3. M

    After Indian Aggression Pakistan Also Prepares to Reply Robustly

    . You seem to be confused.....India is a secular country....If a Muslim can become a PM or CM it's no biggie because Muslims in India are Indians first....even the most hardcore Indian Mullah wouldn't want to live or migrate to Pakistan for a day. So by Muslim rule are you implying a bearded...
  4. M

    On Diplomatic Front - Pakistan 1 Vs india 0

    Hmm....Looks like 70's decade pages were torn off from your history book :haha:
  5. M

    After Indian Aggression Pakistan Also Prepares to Reply Robustly

    Lol......one response was enough to reduce Pakistan's size to half in 1971 Next Response will be 1/3rd the size I guess most if not all blood thirsty posters baying for war are sitting outside India or Pakistan....Do you know the impact of war on the common folk...
  6. M

    After militant attack, ceasefire violation in Uri sector

    Lol You guys seem very eager to be attacked by India....you know that India has a lot more at stake here right? I mean at worst Pak will lose soldiers who are brainwashed and raised for that sole purpose of attaining"martyrdom" to begin with and who will be of no use to the society any ways...
  7. M

    On Diplomatic Front - Pakistan 1 Vs india 0

    Atleast we have an economy.......balkanized by colonialists? Lol what is this Oh you mean when British(one invader) came in and reduced descendants of another invader (Mughal empire) to beggars and fruit sellers. Yeah that was a tragic....but who is this WE you keep talking about?
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