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  1. GerhardA

    Duterte: CIA is planning to kill me

    My country has a similar drug problem to the Phillipines, yet we don't resort to such stupid rules. We simply hunt down the dealers with our police force and then execute them after giving them a fair trial. Plus we give multiple warnings in every single point of entry in our country. That's how...
  2. GerhardA

    Duterte: CIA is planning to kill me

    I'm not a president nor a diplomat. He is. I'm not a person who authorized state sanctioned extra judicial killings nor am I a person who publicly said that he would gladly kill 3 million Filipino drug addicts and dealers nor have compared myself to Hitler. He is and he has. If he disrespects a...
  3. GerhardA


    I don't think I want to see that war happening. An alien civilization with the tech to go light years in a relatively short time would also have extremely good shielding technology. One that would be able to stop even our biggest nuclear weapons. If the aliens are hostile, we are screwed. Not...
  4. GerhardA

    Duterte: CIA is planning to kill me

    Well I honestly don't care. His own damn fault. He chose his words poorly, defended a stupid law he made, and insulted the US president the way an uneducated person would. Won't be surprising if the CIA is really going after him now. Hope the guy learns and stops being stupidly rude and starts...
  5. GerhardA

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I really hope the govt upgrades our air force soon. Their toys are now not as fancy and numerous as the other services.
  6. GerhardA

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Not interested in talking nicely with arrogant people, sorry. They piss me off, I'll slam them so hard, their only choice is to delete their previous post like the cowards they are.
  7. GerhardA

    Indonesia explores possibility of obtaining US aid to finance base in South China Sea

    Dumbest statement ever. You really think 1.3 billion chinese stand a chance against half of the world? You're nuts.
  8. GerhardA

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Oh I'll take that strike and wear it proudly alright. I won't let chinese members disrespect our military and get away with it. They dared to call our military as "only on the level of the phillipines military". I replied and now that coward Jlaw deleted some of his posts on the thread.
  9. GerhardA

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Since when is China the strongest military in Asia? They're barely stronger than US backed Japan and S.Korea. Larger? Maybe. Strongest? Nah. I'll always choose the US. At least their people are not as arrogant and annoying as the chinese and they never screwed around in SCS like the chinese. 9...
  10. GerhardA

    Indonesia explores possibility of obtaining US aid to finance base in South China Sea

    The moment our ships appear they ran away. China won't risk making us lean further to the west. They are not dumb. We can take on any invading nation and that's when using less (in percentage of our total budget) compared to certain countries. That's our doctrine. We are made to be a...
  11. GerhardA

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    VLS is only useful on certain situations. I'd rather have multiple cheap subs that have been proven to be able to sneak through USN battlegroup and "sink" multiple US carriers in multiple RIMPAC exercises, than an expensive sub with VLS but is not proven yet.
  12. GerhardA

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    We don't really have any problem because the leopard has a very light ground pressure per area, so we can use them almost everywhere. They are also mainly stationed in Java which is pretty much already pretty good infrastructure-wise. And for transporting between islands, we have also built...
  13. GerhardA

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    From what I've heard from my dad (he works close to the higher up people), the guy didn't even want to resign but his mother forced him to.
  14. GerhardA

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I never liked the idea of buying chinese tech from the start. Sure it's cheaper but the quality, especially the exported versions are WORSE than their russian or western counterpart. Plus China is one of our possible future threat and they've been messing around in Natuna area. Why would they...
  15. GerhardA

    Duterte to Obama: Don’t lecture me on rights, PH not a US colony

    Indonesia has the same problem and have not done what Duterte has done. Yet Indonesia doesn't turn into a new Mexico and there are fewer and fewer crackheads and drug lords here everyday. You are endorsing a barbaric way to solve a problem that could be solved with actions that do not violate...
  16. GerhardA

    Duterte to Obama: Don’t lecture me on rights, PH not a US colony

    The problem with Mexico is that the cartels have already established themselves as a VERY powerful and influential force in the country. Mexico might not be free from them YET, but they are starting to crack down on the cartels without resorting to extra-judicial killings. And remember: the...
  17. GerhardA

    Duterte to Obama: Don’t lecture me on rights, PH not a US colony

    Indonesia has a problem with drug dealers. Mexico is literally full with drug cartels. Both countries are non superpowers and both are taking care of this problem without resorting to extra-judicial killings. Both has a task force of somesort to hunt these drug lords, send them to court, and...
  18. GerhardA

    Duterte to Obama: Don’t lecture me on rights, PH not a US colony

    There is a difference in being strong/courageous and being straight up rude. Using words like the ones he used, even when he is frustrated, is not something a leader should do. One can be a strong leader while still using diplomatic/polite words. Examples? Putin is 100% against the US. Does he...
  19. GerhardA

    Duterte to Obama: Don’t lecture me on rights, PH not a US colony

    Well I don't know what the filipinos are thinking but I don't like their way in fighting drugs. I can agree about sentencing drug dealers to death after some judicial process. They deserve to die for ruining the younger generation. But extra-judicial killing? That's dumb. How many innocents are...
  20. GerhardA

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Money. It's all business. If the donor pays them to do A, they do A.
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