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  1. Farhan Hashmi

    New Introductions

    1) Tell your interests Playing computer games, love doing exercise, Free Running, Vastly improve my General knowledge, Always looking to learn something new, 2) What do you do. Worry a lot. 3) How did you find us Google 4) What interests you here? Want information and any kind of help about...
  2. Farhan Hashmi

    Pakistan & Iran Joint Naval Drill

    This is a good news. At last we are doing something with Iran. Remember Iran was the first country that internationally recognized sovereign status of Pakistan. We should build more good relations with our neighbor.
  3. Farhan Hashmi

    We want Justice

    Yes the 70,000 Pakistani's should also be included in this list. We don't know how many of them were Dr.AQ Khan, General Raheel Sharif, Edhi sahb etc of the future.
  4. Farhan Hashmi

    Confirmed Pics of T-129 in different altitudes & climates in Pakistan

    At last we are buying some thing from a Muslim country :)
  5. Farhan Hashmi


    I hope these new jets will be 5th gen and few SU 35 will be included too :)
  6. Farhan Hashmi

    Pakistani student breaks Denmark’s grading scale record

    Pakistani people have a lot of talent. Just give them the opportunity and trust me they will show you how to rule the world.
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