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  1. J

    BRICs Will Be ICs If Brazil and Russia Don't Shape Up

    China is gold. The rest are bricks.
  2. J

    Who supports the French terrorists?

    THE US.
  3. J

    Chinese Minister Ling Jihua under investigation

    So... Xi said"腐败会亡党亡国""依法治国"。 Wang Qishan said“反腐只是治标的手段,只是为治本赢得时间和减少阻力”
  4. J

    Spain to consider banning burqas in public

    Follow the dictatorship? China's Urumqi Baned Burqas a few days ago.
  5. J

    Mumbai has more billionaires than Beijing

    So.....India is much richer than China!
  6. J

    China’s bullet trains facilitate market integration and mitigate the cost of megacity growth

    It's Zhuang language, having the same meaning of "Nanningdong Railway Station"
  7. J

    North Korea Has Room for Only One Jong-un

    It's a disgrace to NK. Mr Kim Fat isn't stupid.
  8. J

    Is India big enough to be a superpower?

    Huge population,wide territory, strong central government and diligent people are necessary conditions for being a superpower. There is only ONE country meet these conditions. China! (BTW, USA is already a Superpower)
  9. J

    Is India big enough to be a superpower?

    India is already super power in the aspect of population.
  10. J

    China's rail carmaker to supply Malaysia with six trains

    You You're so cruel to Indian people.
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