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    Understanding the Arms "Race" in South Asia

    India and Pakistan can work for the normalization but due to lack of arms control culture in South Asia there are less implications of arms control. Pakistan’s sensible and ambiguous nuclear doctrine and development of low yield nuclear weapons may have given the Indian military’s Cold Start...
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    A Tribute to the Mother Land

    The nation would have to revive Pakistan’s image in the world by forging unity regardless of ethnic, provincial and racial associations.
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    Pakistan's Nuclear Submarine Development | News and Discussions

    Pakistan’s underwater force stronger than India, India currently possesses seven to eight conventional submarines only while Pakistan has five relatively new conventional submarines to set up against the enemy in addition to six more advanced vessels it aims to obtain from China. Pakistan Navy...
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    India, China Aim To Speed Up Nuclear Retaliatory Capability

    India has invested heavily in building the navy it needs for dominating the northern Indian Ocean, a crucial maritime highway for the flow of hydrocarbons from West Asia to China, Japan and the Southeast Asian countries and for the transportation to Europe of merchandise. Over the last seven...
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    Indian Weapon Hunger ..

    Ironically, Now India is nurturing the terrorist groups as well; former Indian Army chief V. K. Singh, CIA, MI6 and ISI all revealed that India is supporting the terrorist organizations working in the region. India itself has 114 active independent movements, former CBI agent Sitesh Verma...
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    Ra'ad Cruise Missile of Pakistan

    Pakistan has indigenously developed air-launch cruise missile, Hatf-VIII (Ra’ad). The Ra’ad cruise missile with stealth capabilities is a low altitude, terrain-hugging missile with high maneuverability, and can deliver nuclear and conventional warheads with pin point accuracy. Instead of...
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    The US is running many covert operations under the cover of NSA, PRISM and Echelon were used to spy on the social activities all around the globe. NSA snooped into all communications, military, economic and political institutions that is a shameless act and violation of international norms and...
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    India’s “Dams Fever” - A potent threat to regional peace

    Besides constructing dams, one after the other, on Pakistani rivers in violation of Indus Waters Treaty between the two countries, the latter is now hotly pursuing a project to link Chenab with the Indian Beas River. INDIA is building dams on Pakistan’s rivers due to which it is exercising...
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