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  1. J

    China’s Third Aircraft Carrier Could Be Nuclear and as big as American flattops

    not gonna happen in next 20 years ! China needs better R&D base to even think about such thing
  2. J

    New cruise missile unveiled

    finally matching something with Brahmos block-III ! Good !
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    China passes revised law for army facilities protection

    what about environment protection ? the arable land and forect cover have drastically reduced in china.
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    Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

    Radar and fire control is where PLAN still lags heavily ..
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    Nawaz sharif becomes Mamu !

    wtf is this thread about ?
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    China launches study to build rail link to Pakistan via Azad Kashmir

    but they will need reliable locomotives from India !
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    Couple beheaded in public over love marriage

    pakistan should implement shariat pronto to reduce such shameful cases.
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    Workshop for BJP MPs: Modi, Rajnath to impart training

    good move ! BJP middle level leaders hardly have experience running govt.
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    I think I am dealing with some haunting

    wuss in making ! :D
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    I think I am dealing with some haunting

    exactly .. if u believe in ghosts or god u better not have any qualms when it comes to believing in alladin sh!t ..
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    Zindagi, Pakistan shows a hit in India

    :lol: :lol: gullible pakistanis ..
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    Pan Baidu BLOCKED in Pakistan

    a lot of content are anti uighur there.. no wonder its banned in pakistan.
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    I think I am dealing with some haunting

    ghost dont exist in reality.. get real !
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    'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

    well.. **** the usage of 'allah'. People can come up with different term for God.
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    Sex education in schools should be banned, Union health minister Harsh Vardhan says

    very very bad move unless we want our society to regress into a medieval system like pakistanis.
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    PM Narendra Modi to witness PSLV-C23 rocket launch on June 30

    Good move by MODI. Atleast we know who is in driver's seat now !
  17. J

    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    Japanese culture is highly evolved. They can assimilate muslims and over time muslims will get educated there !
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