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  1. Random111

    Turkish Small Arms Industry | Updates and Discussions

    Why produce when you can buy much cheaper from Balkans?
  2. Random111

    Turkish Special Operations Forces

    Black was fine, this is ridiculous, same with new army camo.
  3. Random111

    Turkish Special Operations Forces

    POH been doing it for years despite urban combat ops. No one to make it stop.
  4. Random111

    Turkish Armed Forces Multimedia Center

    Jandarma uses current 'light brown/tan' colour, army uses digital camo with same cut. Still have older woodland for winter/green ops. Problem solved. This camo variant is ridiculous and looks like French rip-off/3rd world African warlord fatigues.
  5. Random111

    Turkish Armed Forces Multimedia Center

    Take new Jandarma camouflage including fit/cut and give it same colours as old camouflage. Problem solved.
  6. Random111

    Turkish Unmanned Vehicle Programs

    It's just the latest trend lol.
  7. Random111

    Turkish Unmanned Vehicle Programs

    It would make more sense to add the 40mm om the UKAP instead of the SARP or just on vehicles in general. M113 doesn't make sense without any additional armor.
  8. Random111

    Turkish Industry, Science and Technology

    It reminds me of our domestic ''mega'' projects, all talk & fancy new buildings but quality inside = often missing. Not the first mega city to be announced in the area.
  9. Random111

    Turkish Defence Industry Exports & Updates

    Private firm.
  10. Random111

    Turkish Defence Industry Exports & Updates

    Read in article production will be spread out over 10 years. 18 pieces to be produced in Turkey, rest joint venture. Probably financing also spread out similarly?
  11. Random111

    Turkish Defence Industry Exports & Updates

    Russians are very active with hacking/EW etc in Ukraine. Plus side we can get good feedback about our products, downside if they hack them they can hack us as well.
  12. Random111

    Turkish Missile Programs

    KARAOK would be short range ATGM system for 1 person. Still think we need something similar to AT4/Carl Gustav instead of just LAW/RPG.
  13. Random111

    Turkish Space Programs

    This guy sometimes flies off a bit
  14. Random111

    Turkish Land Vehicle Programs

    I think just Kirpi with RCWS and Kirpi with C-IED systems.
  15. Random111

    Turkish Unmanned Vehicle Programs

    So weird that there seems to be absolutely no interest in such a platform.
  16. Random111

    Turkish Unmanned Vehicle Programs

    Any info about links to foreign companies, license production etc?
  17. Random111

    Turkish Unmanned Vehicle Programs

    Can't believe they haven't gotten a contract yet.
  18. Random111

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    I'd rather read about one crashing than not reading about one at all (meaning it not being used/tested). We should fly out as many uav's as possible, don't care if they crash. Yes could be pilot error but could also be system/engine failure.
  19. Random111

    Turkish Unmanned Vehicle Programs

    VTOL is also fine by me, just that intermediate class gap needs to be filled asap :)
  20. Random111

    Turkish Unmanned Vehicle Programs

    Don't understand lack of development in this area. Major players are known to look at what TSK demands and try to come up with something for it. How come no one is making a move in this area? Is it simply too hard? Because I read that TSK demands limited development and basically made it...

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