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  1. B

    We Can Still Get To You, Dilma...

    Here we go with the 'jew banker' thing again. Got a real hard on for 'these people'. Douche bag, you're a bigot. Just admit it. 'Making sense' in your small, deformed mind, maybe. You're all over the place, chief.
  2. B

    Iran Doesn’t Deny the Holocaust, New Foreign Minister Says on Twitter

    Not JUST gassing but worked to death, starved, shot... The Germans kept very detailed records. The Holocaust is one of the best documented 'events' in history.
  3. B

    Russian company keen to convert furnace oil power plants to coal

    Most of the rest of the world is getting off of coal because of the whole pollution thing.
  4. B

    We Can Still Get To You, Dilma...

    Eighty five percent ? I'm not so sure about that. But even if it were true, how did a relatively small group of people of a certain religion get to be so influential ? A feat to be admired not look down on, I think. I bet the Rastafarians or Zoroastrians are wishing THEY 'controlled' all you say...
  5. B

    We Can Still Get To You, Dilma...

    And all these institutions are 'zionist jew' banker controlled ?
  6. B

    Japan, US, ASEAN must team up to counter China’s maritime advance

    Since most of those countries have tiny militaries or none at all, I think the U.S. pound the feces out of Brazil and Argentina and the rest would quickly cry for their respective Mommys.:usflag:
  7. B

    Iran says they’ve decoded downed CIA drone

    Ayatollah, and we fly on your country for decades.:usflag:
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    Top 10 Western Rulers in History

    Ronald Reagan !!!:usflag:
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    Iran says they’ve decoded downed CIA drone

    If that is their cutting edge, they're years behind. And that is why the Chinese will also always be behind. They create nothing, they only copy.:usflag: That's a 'Flintstones' drone. 'Ancient' design. I'd see that with my eyes and down it with my AR.:omghaha:
  10. B

    Japan, US, ASEAN must team up to counter China’s maritime advance

    Since you mentioned it, China is the grand daddy of pollution.:china: Sure.... like Zimbabwe and Kiribati.:omghaha:
  11. B

    We Can Still Get To You, Dilma...

    Read YOUR post #4. YOU are the one who, out of the blue, brings up 'jewish bankers'. I didn't. They had NOTHING to do with the thread I posted. Why did you bring them up and why do the bankers have to be specifically 'jewish' ? Why didn't you say Catholic bankers ? Or Hindu bankers ? And by...
  12. B

    We Can Still Get To You, Dilma...

    It looks, on the surface, that you have a problem with Jews.
  13. B

    Exploring Saudi Arabia's marine wonderland

    Not true. Palancar Reef is the second largest coral reef in the world. Dove it plenty, Belize to Cancun. Red Sea would be nice... but EVERYONE knows wreck diving the North Atlantic is the SH!T !!! Coral reefs are pretty, but a New Jersey wreck separates the men from the boys in diving. I like...
  14. B

    Exploring Saudi Arabia's marine wonderland

    What's with the 'false flagger' sh!t ? Guys on this site LOVE to whip out that stupid phrase. I've seen it a million time in the short time I've been here. Nope, just a dude from Philly. Sorry.:usflag:
  15. B

    We Can Still Get To You, Dilma...

    No, not a Zionist. Are you an anti-Semite ?
  16. B

    We Can Still Get To You, Dilma...

    Not hard to believe. Nope. Not a Jew. Answer the question about 'The Elders...'
  17. B

    What's in your Gun Locker?

    I'm in Pennsylvania, a little north of Philadelphia. Not real far from where you were. AR's are so easy to shoot. No recoil at all. I'm trying to get my wife out to the range but stuff keeps popping up. Yeah, cops frown on autos in civilian hands. But look up the 'slide fire' stocks for AK's and...
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