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  1. M

    Tunisian Army Ranks

    whats the status of tunesian army at the moment? and are there any tensions at the libya/algeria borders? tunesia is a fantastic country. was there 4x with my wife (monastier, djerba, hammamet, carthage, sidi bu said....) when any islamic arab country can do the transation to a modern and...
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    Mass murderer Anders Breivik to go on hunger strike over PS 2 upgrade

    s sometimes i envy the chinese laws against such mass murders, chil abusers etc. much better and righteous then the luxus jails in germany for such bastards.
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    Iranian official: Hezbollah's arsenal has deemed Israel's Iron Dome a joke

    would be intresting when this comes to the IDF anti-terror front: Israel plans laser interceptor 'Iron Beam' for short-range rockets | JPost | Israel News
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    Analysis: Is Israel building up for an offensive against Gaza?

    dude you lie to yourself each day you wake up in the US. you prefer living in a kufr country instead of one of your "great" islamic backward states. i have much more respect for someone who lives his principles instead of some propagandist like you who preachs water and drinks wine.:) at the...
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    Analysis: Is Israel building up for an offensive against Gaza?

    as i said. typical pallywood. 0% facts, 100% propaganda. the only thing you radical pallys are good in is propaganda. beside that you can only destroy, hate and fire rockets but are not able to build anything positive. there must be a reason why the big majority of arabs in israel wants to stay...
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    Analysis: Is Israel building up for an offensive against Gaza?

    "Jewish terrorists committing ethnic cleansing....." sure pallywood? arabs in israel in 1948: 150.000 arabs in israel now: 1.600.000 jews in arab world in 1948: over 1.000.000 jews in arab world now: lesser then 20.000. talking about ethnic cleansing...but its typical for pallywoodniks like...
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    Analysis: Is Israel building up for an offensive against Gaza?

    israeli aggression in 1956 and 1967? sure about that my dear pallywood mate? not a single word that nassar abused sinai and gaza as bases for fedajin terrorists going to israeli and killing jewish civilians? that alone is a war reason. add to that nassars blocakde of straits of tiran by egypt...
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    22 top airforces (based on plane quality and quantity).

    thanks for your hard work 500. the low number for iran is realistic and thats a sad news.:( although the shah was a dicataor like the mullah regime at least saddam was not eager to attack iran as long as the imperial iranian air force was there. i remember that in southern iran western and...
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    Rouhani donates $400,000 to Jewish hospital

    only a first step. now roohani and his puppet master chamenei must apologise to iran for 35 years of butchery against the iranian people and hunderts of thousends of iranians killed by the tazi regime. they must also apologise to the minotiries (also the bahai) for 35 years of intolerance which...
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    Iranian official: Hezbollah's arsenal has deemed Israel's Iron Dome a joke

    too bad iranian money which is urgently needed in iran for iranian people is wasted for supporting terror gangs in the middle east, asia and africa. beside that: the next round of hisbollah attacks on israel will be a total war against lebanon as the israeli AF commandar told. and the only...
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    Analysis: Is Israel building up for an offensive against Gaza?

    arab aggressores attack israel in 1967 and 1973 and lose land when they are defeated. suck it down mate. aggressors always lose land. your luck as pally is that your enemy is israel and not assad or king hussein (ever heard about black september and thens of thousends slaughterd pallys by their...
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    Iran's military chief says ready for war with US, Israel

    the mullahs do pray for a war. why? because it will allow them to cement their power above dead iranian peoples bodies. idiots like this "military chief" are the real enemies of my country. and if iran would behave mature instead of exporting terror and its shai islamism to pakistan...
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    Analysis: Is Israel building up for an offensive against Gaza?

    israel left gaza and instead of building a state there the pallys did something for what they are famous: destruction of the jewish infrastructure in gaza instead of using it and firing rockets at israel. there is not a single reason why israel should give up even a inch more land. for what...
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    Israel Defense Forces

    i wish we could get rid of this trolls who ruin this thread. the main problem in the middle east isnt israel, its the sunni shia "civil war" with thousends of deads each month. add to that the overal situation (kurds and turks hate eachother, turks hate arabs and persian people, persian hate...
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    S-300 Missiles for Iran ‘Dismantled, Scrapped' – Manufacturer

    bozor: what must iran do to get rid of sanctions and the isolation? its simple. what kind of hostility do we have with israel? we had never problems with jews in the last 2500 years and why must israel and iran be enemies? the hostility is all about antisemitism and idology and not about...
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    German air force to bid 'Pharewell' to last F-4Fs

    is about time to send this babies to their pension. german defense ministry is under constant pressure for spending the money in a very inefficient way. after the eurohawk debacle (500 millions euro for development of a drone which didnt got the approval from the aviation authority) and the...
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    S-300 Missiles for Iran ‘Dismantled, Scrapped' – Manufacturer

    google reuters s300 analysis. i cant link stuff yet in this forum. The Israelis excel in electronic warfare. In 1982, they "blinded" Soviet-supplied Syrian anti-aircraft units in Lebanon, then destroyed 19 of them without Israeli losses. Similar technologies helped Israeli jets destroy a...
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    S-300 Missiles for Iran ‘Dismantled, Scrapped' – Manufacturer

    lol what a sick website is this? they realy say that mossad was behind the gas attack in syria. and they realy say US killed 1.4 millions iraqis when most of the iraqi civilian victims were caused by terror groups. sorry but i prefer to see that the guilt of hisbollah was so clear that EU...
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    S-300 Missiles for Iran ‘Dismantled, Scrapped' – Manufacturer

    iraniangirl: budget for foreign policy should be used to IMPROVE the reputation of the country and NOT given to hisbollah to blow up a bus and kill civilians in Bulgaria my dear. the foreign policy of a intelligent government should benefit the country and not harm it like the regime is...
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