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  1. D

    JF-17 Book

    Thanks or the info, I didn't realize it was a hard cover book. Is it available for purchase?
  2. D

    JF-17 Book

    No, I don't have a lot of info, it'll probably have more pictures to compensate. A hard cover coffee-table type book.
  3. D

    JF-17 Book

    no, not as in manual, as in book. Check out Amazon and some popular fighter names, you'll get the idea.
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    When Jinah Met Muslim brotherhood leadership

    The Secularists will play any and every trick to try to wash away Pakistan's Islamic heritage and to delegitimize the Muslim intellectuals who defend it. Their attitude makes it very clear that the only language they will ever understand is force. That may, in the long term, be the only reason...
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    JF-17 Book

    Hi all, I've made up my mind to insh'Allah (God Willing) come up with a book on the JF-17. A book that someone who loves the plane would love, with cool pictures, the best known data, program development, and perhaps interviews. So, since I'm rather new at this (creating and publishing an...
  6. D

    Busted again- " China gets $1 trillion boost from dodgy data: Report"

    And yet, a new generation of Germans are waking up, just like you and realizing what's happened. That's very important. Most of the time before Germans where to busy apologizing for x, y and z... The whole argument seems based on rural and urban housing prices. As a preliminary, this doesn't...
  7. D

    Pakistan should be a Secular State

    Yes, I'm myself rather sad if not downright depressed about PTI, at least for now. Two books, at least one of which you can buy in hard copy on Amazon: 21st Century Islamic State and Reviving the Ummah, A Diagnosis of our Circumstance. They are also available as a free online download. I would...
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    Pakistan should be a Secular State

    Thank you so much, dear brother Secur for your touching reply. I merely opened this account as an observer, but every now and then end up posting. I didn't choose a nationality and I think the default is Argentina, or I used the first one that came. Truth be told, I am not sure what nationality...
  9. D

    Pakistan should be a Secular State

    The book is about a fifth of the size of the Road to Makkah and is available online. Google "This Law of Ours". You can also read my paper where I've been peddling this solution to PTI (without success) "Marching Beyond Waziristan Hussain" Maybe you're cynical and you're right being cynical...
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    Pakistan should be a Secular State

    Dear brother Krash, Thank you for your reply, a lengthy one and no matter that we agree or disagree, I am glad to have a conversation with you. Firstly, lets cut to the chase - you are suggesting that religion or secularism are not the problems that do not cause our prosperity or lack...
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    Pakistan should be a Secular State

    Dear Brother Chak Bamu, Its truly refreshing to read your posts, I must say I have begun to look forward to them. I do have however a bit of an argument here against the statement: Is there such a we? And who are the actual decision makers of that "we"? Are we confronting this major issue or...
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    Pakistan should be a Secular State

    It is interesting to note that Turkey, under Islam, was a ranking superpower of the world. As Muhammad Asad notes, after Attaturk, they are nothing but a nation like a hundred others. And as ironic as that is, its recent economic success has only come under Erdogan, whose Islamic approach is...
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    Pakistan should be a Secular State

    Yes, I've been thinking about it for the last 12 odd years and have written two books on it, and am about to complete a PhD on it. And no, point 2 being correct doesn't mean point 1 is correct. There are two perspectives. Sometimes we tend to reflect our own biases on other people, and that is...
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    Pakistan should be a Secular State

    Let me take a quick stab at the question of why Islamic parties have not won elections. First let me qualify myself. I started thinking about this in the winter of 2001, about this great divide between the "religious type" and the "secular type" in Pakistani society. I've spent the last 12...
  15. D

    Pakistan should be a Secular State

    When we don't understand something there are basically two choices: 1. Either we haven't fully understood it or understood it wrongly. 2. There is in fact something wrong with the matter at hand. Who or what is a caliph system, and whether that is ordained by God or not is a matter open to...
  16. D

    Pakistan should be a Secular State

    Aeronaut, job well done on this discussion because you obviously have learned the use of logic and civilized discourse without emotion. Muhammad Asad discusses exactly what you are asking for - a book that would specify what Shariah Law should look like from an enlightened and today's point of...
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    Pakistan should be a Secular State

    In fact, the truth is somewhere between the two extremes, and the Quaid set up Allama Muhammad Asad to find that solution by setting him up as the head of the Department of Islamic Reconstruction. However, after Quaid prematurely passed away, the secularists cut Allama Asad short and stole our...
  18. D

    Pakistan's Role in stoping the Bosnian Genocide.

    Sallam Br. eajvoSA, Bosnia will always be dear to the hearts of Muslims everywhere including all true Pakistanis. We will always remember you and someday n'auzubillah, if things go bad, will bleed with you. I would like to use your post to write a piece about Bosnia, and if you have any...
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