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  1. A

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    He shouldn't then share the stupid ideas of his stupid relates to proof his point that pashtuns hates afghanis because this is not true. I admit that there some pakistani pashtuns who hate afghans and it could be that there are some afghans who hates pakistani pashtuns but the vast majority of...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    See that your case is even worse because if you been damaged by the consumption of too much crappy **** propagande aslong with daal. Very bad combination I have to say. I know that you have been inspired by isreal to accept the religion as your identity but in reality even a simple mined...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    The problem is the intervention of Pakistan and that pakistanis spread the ISI made version of islam to Afghanistan. We afghans never had any kind of problem among ourselves, these ethnic tensions are just a gift of ISI
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    What I see here that pakistanis are barking against anyone and anyone must be due to lots of consumption of DAAL
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    Pakistan cannot force Afghanistan into recognizing the Durand line, says Ka

    I never said that the land is ours, what I am saying is that the land belongs to pashtuns, baloches and other groups who are living there and these people should have the possibility to determin thier future. We afghans will respect thier decsions no matter if they join with us or stays with...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    That beygharata Amir was son of ***** but what should I call you that you are accepting and respecting the deal of that Amir? hahha Those who are spreading those misinfromation are the slave of iranians
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    There is a saying which says give respect and take respect. If he says something stupid about my people and my nation he shouldn't be surprised when I start telling the truth about his nation
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    You are right. I would make sure to visit Panjab or other part of Pakistan sometime. but again don't get me wrong. I don't have anything against the poor people of panjab who are suffering because 300-500 families who have been in charge in Pakistan in the last 60 years. Because these moron...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Haven't you and your forefathers served tea to Angreez and other colonial powers, So serving the Others is something that is in your blood, you may like it or not but this is how you are. And If I come infront of you you wouldn't be able to do anyting so stop with these cheap talks, we all know...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    If you had known the history you had known that you pakistani were stealing even from the aide for "those beggars" which is once again shows what kind of cheap people you are. Well if you have gharat try to expel us hehehe Good that you accepted that you are the slave of panjab but we pashtuns...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    I haven't meet panjabis in Pakistan but I have seen a number of them in other countries and they are nice people and I don't have any kind of problems with panjabis. my problem or should I say our problems are only with the panjabis establishment which are mostly landlord and slave minded...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    If you better lives than afghans because afghans have been at war for more than 35 years thanks to your panjabis masters and if you don't like afghans living in your country than stop funding terror and terrorists. You know very well that afghans are not live in Pakistan out of love for...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Well , I live mostly in Kabul nowdays but I used to live most of the time in Russia in past years. In pakhtunkhwa I have been a couple times just for short visits , once one week and the other time maybe 10 days and I have also been to chaman a couple of times for buisness reason This comes...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    If we had to selected between being a barbarian and being a slave of panjab then we wouldn't hestitate to stay barbarian for ever rather than being the slave of panjabis for one single day. Hope you have seen the differance between our mentality and the mentality of these panjabized pathans I...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    It is not only about Durrand line, During the meeting of Karzai and Keyani, the Pakistani side presented three conditions for afghan side 1- To accept and respect the durran line as border between afghanistan and pakistan 2- To council with Pakistan when dealing with India or sighing any...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Talking is cheap but lets see if you dare to do so
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    You mean junna? or you do have another qaud as well? Victoria hehhe Well, the people of that area will make sure that you should respect their wishes. At the moment we see brave baloches who are slappping on your faces and pissing on your flag and they day would come that other would follow...
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    Afghan, Pakistani Forces Clash

    Calm down, We afghans have seen the worst days that one can possible see and now we are heading toward betterment something that I can't say about Pakistan where just started having problems and taste of their won medicine
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    Afghan, Pakistani Forces Clash

    We would rather comment collectively succide than joing the Pakistan. Contrary to you we afghans still haven't lost our sense of gharat. You missed out a very important detail that in the next decades you would lower yourself from the level of panjabized pashtun to panajbized pathan
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    He simply asks them to kill those who instruct them to kill their own people which is totally fine and any patriotic president would do that. What would be your reaction if Indian found/train/arm/support a fanatic military group and sent them to pakistan to destroy schools, roads, clinic..and...
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